God Will Destroy China if it goes to War

Science today proves that God exists.

If God exists and possesses consciousness, omniscience, and omnipotence, then God is aware of all actions, including the conduct of individuals and governments. This implies that God is not only aware of nations that reject spiritual or moral principles but may also intervene in history to fulfill divine justice. From this perspective, God might be seen as actively opposing systems that suppress religious freedom or act against perceived divine laws.

God will lead to the eventual destruction of "godless" governments, like China, because the Lord will enact divine justice upon nations or systems that reject God's principles. The defeat of these Godless governments will allow God's Kingdom to flourish across the whole earth. This is why China will be destroyed.

Religious traditions, particularly within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, contain prophecies regarding nations that stray from moral laws. For example, in the Bible, there are references to nations facing destruction or severe punishment for their wickedness (e.g., the fall of Babylon). In some interpretations, these texts are used to argue that God will judge "godless" or oppressive governments.

Some believers interpret contemporary global events through the lens of prophecy, viewing China's atheistic governance and policies, especially towards religious groups, as being in opposition to divine will. In this view, China's government represents a godless system that is destined to face divine retribution for its actions, such as acts of persecution or suppression of spiritual practices. These interpretations may predict natural disasters, economic collapse, or other "acts of God" as means by which divine justice could be executed.

Throughout history, religious traditions have cited natural disasters or societal collapse as manifestations of divine judgment. For some, these events serve as evidence that God intervenes in the world to uphold moral order or punish nations perceived as wicked or godless.

While such claims are matters of faith rather than scientific proof, they draw upon religious beliefs, interpretations of scripture, and perceived patterns in history to argue that divine justice will eventually prevail over "godless" regimes.

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