Strip Big Pharma of Legal Immunity

The Case for Removing Legal Immunity from Pharmaceutical Companies and Vaccine Manufacturers

Executive Summary

Pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers currently benefit from various forms of legal immunity, shielding them from liability for harm caused by their products. This executive summary outlines the critical reasons for removing this legal immunity to ensure accountability, enhance public trust, and improve safety and efficacy in the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries.

Rationale for Removing Legal Immunity

In 1986, Pharma accomplished a coup on US Healthcare. Under the guise of protecting children, lobbyists for the Pharmaceutical companies earned Legal Immunity for manufacturing vaccines. Since that time, US public health has gone down hill quickly.

  1. Accountability and Transparency:

    • Ensuring Accountability: Legal immunity allows pharmaceutical companies to avoid responsibility for adverse effects and harm caused by their products. Removing this immunity would hold these companies accountable, ensuring that they prioritize safety and efficacy in their development and manufacturing processes.

    • Enhancing Transparency: Without immunity, companies would be incentivized to be more transparent about their research, testing, and manufacturing practices. This transparency is crucial for maintaining public trust and for informed decision-making by healthcare providers and patients.

  2. Public Health and Safety:

    • Improving Safety Standards: Legal accountability would drive companies to adhere to higher safety standards. The threat of litigation would encourage rigorous testing and monitoring, reducing the likelihood of harmful products reaching the market.

    • Encouraging Innovation: When companies are held accountable for their products, they are more likely to invest in innovative solutions that enhance safety and efficacy, rather than cutting corners to reduce costs.

  3. Restoring Public Trust:

    • Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Vaccine hesitancy often stems from mistrust in manufacturers and regulatory bodies. Removing legal immunity would demonstrate a commitment to safety and responsibility, potentially increasing public confidence in vaccines and other pharmaceutical products.

    • Building Confidence in Regulatory Systems: Ensuring that pharmaceutical companies are not above the law reinforces the integrity of regulatory systems, fostering greater trust among the public and within the healthcare community.

Legislative and Policy Recommendations

  1. Repeal Legal Immunity Provisions:

    • Legislation: Introduce and pass legislation that repeals existing legal immunity provisions for pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers, including those under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) and the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.

    • State-Level Actions: Encourage states to pass complementary laws that remove any state-level legal protections for these companies.

  2. Establish a Robust Compensation Mechanism:

    • Compensation Fund: Create a well-funded, transparent compensation mechanism for individuals who suffer harm from pharmaceutical products and vaccines. This fund should be financed by a levy on pharmaceutical companies and managed independently to ensure fairness and efficiency.

    • Clear Guidelines: Develop clear guidelines and procedures for filing claims, assessing damages, and providing compensation, ensuring that affected individuals receive timely and adequate redress.

  3. Strengthen Regulatory Oversight:

    • Enhanced Monitoring: Increase funding and resources for regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enhance post-market surveillance and monitoring of pharmaceutical products and vaccines.

    • Rigorous Approval Processes: Implement stricter approval processes that require comprehensive safety and efficacy data before products can enter the market. Continuous monitoring and periodic reviews should be mandated to ensure ongoing compliance with safety standards.

  4. Promote Ethical Practices in the Industry:

    • Corporate Responsibility: Encourage pharmaceutical companies to adopt and enforce robust corporate responsibility and ethical practices, including transparent reporting of adverse events and proactive risk management.

    • Public-Private Partnerships: Foster public-private partnerships that prioritize public health interests and ensure that safety and efficacy are at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation and distribution.


Removing legal immunity from pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers is a crucial step towards ensuring accountability, improving public trust, and enhancing the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. By implementing these legislative and policy recommendations, we can create a more transparent, responsible, and effective pharmaceutical industry that prioritizes the well-being of the public.


Last updated