Investigating Covid-19 Corruption

We call for an Independent Government Commission to Investigate Health Agencies for Collusion and Systemic Corruption

Over the past 50 years, the health of Americans has deteriorated significantly despite advancements in medical technology and increased healthcare spending. Chronic diseases, particularly inflammatory conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders, have risen alarmingly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of diabetes has more than tripled from 5.5 million in 1980 to 34.2 million in 2020. Similarly, heart disease remains the leading cause of death, with the American Heart Association reporting that nearly half of all adults have some form of cardiovascular disease. Autoimmune diseases have also seen a substantial increase, affecting approximately 23.5 million Americans according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

These troubling trends raise serious questions about the effectiveness of our public health policies and the integrity of the institutions responsible for safeguarding the well-being of We the American People.

Allegations of collusion, systemic corruption, and undue influence from pharmaceutical companies have further eroded public trust in key government health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). These institutions are entrusted with safeguarding public health and ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical treatments and interventions. However, allegations of collusion, systemic corruption, and undue influence from pharmaceutical companies have undermined public trust and raised serious questions about their operations.

We urgently call for the establishment of an independent government commission to conduct a thorough investigation into these agencies. The mandate of this commission should include examining instances of data manipulation, conflicts of interest, and the approval of medical products based on faulty or incomplete science. The commission must have the authority to subpoena documents, compel testimony under oath, and recommend corrective actions, including criminal prosecutions if warranted.

The commission should also focus on the relationships between these agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. There is credible evidence suggesting that financial incentives and revolving door employment practices have compromised the objectivity of regulatory decisions. This potential collusion has grave implications for public health, leading to the approval of unsafe drugs and vaccines, and the suppression of alternative treatments that may be more effective and less costly.

Moreover, we propose the introduction of stringent new penalties to address these malpractices. Specifically, we advocate for the classification of certain acts as capital crimes, with severe consequences including manslaughter charges and asset forfeiture. Bureaucrats who deliberately falsify data, accept bribes, or otherwise compromise public health for personal gain must be held accountable. These actions are not mere regulatory infractions; they are criminal behaviors that can lead to widespread harm and loss of life. Consequently, the penalties must reflect the severity of these offenses.

In addition to these measures, we call for enhanced transparency and accountability mechanisms within these agencies. This includes regular independent audits, public disclosure of all communications with pharmaceutical companies, and stricter enforcement of conflict of interest policies. Restoring public trust in our health institutions requires a commitment to openness and rigorous oversight.

The health and well-being of our nation depend on the integrity of those we trust to protect it. It is imperative that we root out corruption and ensure that our health policies are based on sound science and the best interests of the public, not the profits of a few. We urge our elected representatives to act swiftly in establishing this independent commission and implementing these necessary reforms. The stakes are too high to allow these issues to go unaddressed any longer.

Last updated