Was the Assassination an Inside Job?

Status: developing

Intelligence Confirms: Assassination was an Insider Job

Intelligence suggests the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is a conspiracy facilitated by insiders. Fortunately in today's social media age these forces of darkness no longer have the ability to control the narrative.

Official Timeline of Events

  • 5:10PM: Crooks, the shooter, identified as a person of interest.

  • 5:30PM: Crooks spotted with rangefinder.

  • 5:52PM: Crooks spotted on roof by Secret Service.

  • 6:02PM: Trump takes stage.

  • 6:12PM: Crooks fires first shots.

Green Berets & Special Operators Snipers Testify Assassination is Inside Job

Senator Blackburn Reports Secret Service Knew of Threat

Senator Haley Reports Whistleblower Testimoney

Whistleblowers Report DHS Replaced USSS Agents with Untrained HSI Agents.

Former Green Beret & Rep Mike Waltz Reports Secretary Mayorkas Denited President Trump Secret Service Resources

Rep. Waltz story is corroborated by Washington Post going live with the same story.

Secretary Mayorkas On TV Calls Green Beret Mike Waltz a Liar

Secret Service Dereliction of Duty

  • No drones present

  • No canines

  • SS Agents replaced with HSI Agents

  • SS Director Cheadle issues misleading statements about who was responsible for covering the roof

  • Senator Johnson is reporting SS did NOT attend briefing with local swat and sniper teams the morning of the trump rally.

Butler Commissioner Claims SS Director is Lying

Speaker Johnson Announces Special Task Force

Telemetry Data Analysis Reveals Someone Near FBI HQ Was Visiting Crooks' for Months

  • Mobile Data Reveals Someone Who Regularly Visited Thomas Crooks' Home and Work Also Visited a Building in Washington DC Near FBI Office

  • The Oversight Project identified nine devices linked to AD-IDs that were located at Crooks’ home and work within the last year.

  • Per the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project: “We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates”

We ask that all white hats come forward with any and all data dumps associated with this event. Analyzing telemetry data offers a very useful tool as no one can escape its data signature.

Was there a 2nd Shooter on the Water Tower?

  • Forensic analysis on the gunshot audio is developing

  • Waiting to confirm shot analysis

  • 4 separate witnesses saw a shooter on the water tower farther out which would have made an ideal elevated position to fire. Can we confirm?

Zoomed footage shows clear movement of a person with a potential rifle on top of the water tower.

Sen. Chuck Grassley Discloses Crooks trained at same gun range used by DHS

While traitors within the FBI continue to work on covering up the Crooks assassination, Sen. Chuck Grassley's office has disclosed Crooks trained at same gun range used by DHS. The records were provided by the Clairton Sportsmen's Club Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania, pursuant to a congressional request, Grassley's office said.

The records released by Grassley's office show that since establishing a membership at the gun club on Aug. 10, 2023 -- less than a year before the July 13 assassination attempt -- Crooks visited the range a total of 43 times, including 20 times in his first four months of membership.

Attempted Trump assassin Thomas Crooks practiced shooting at his preferred gun range the day before the Department of Homeland Security conducted a training there — just two months before he opened fire at the former president’s rally.

Crooks, 20, visited the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club in Pennsylvania on May 22 around 3:10 p.m., where he practiced alone at the rifle range, according to a club logbook obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office.

The very next day, beginning at noon, DHS conducted a “police training” at the range with at least three people, club records show.

Clairton’s rifle range where Crooks would have practiced is 200 yards long — more than enough space for him to practice the 150-yard shot he would take at Trump on July 13, wounding the former president and killing a bystander.

Rep. Clay Higgins Discoveries FBI Illegally Broke Chain of Custody and Released Crooks Corpse

On 6 Page of Investigative Report by the office of Congressmen Clay Higgins he found Crooks body was cremated — and nobody knew he was gone!

Rep. Higgins tried to examine crooks body on August 5, and was surprised to learn the FBI released the body back to the parents. Nobody Knew he was gone until August 5, Including the County Coroner, law enforcement, and the Sheriff. He was cremated on July 23, just 10 days after the Assassination Attempt

The Coroner technically had custody over the body and denies ever giving the FBI the authority to release the body.

Crooks Given Encrypted Messaging Accounts in Belgium, Germany, New Zealand

Trump rally gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks used encrypted messaging accounts on various platforms located in Belgium, New Zealand and Germany, according to a member of a congressional task force investigating his assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump.

“Why does a 19-year-old kid who is a health care aid need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States, but based abroad – where most terrorist organizations know it is harder for our law enforcement to get into?”

Asked Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), one of 13 lawmakers tapped to serve on the House bipartisan task force, told reporters at a Wednesday press conference at the Trump Hotel Chicago that the “overseas accounts” piqued his suspicion immediately regarding the shooter’s motives.”

Does Thomas Crooks have $1.5 Million Dollars in Off-Shore Bank Accounts?


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