Water Pollution

Water is Sacred, Water is Life. We must protect the Water.

Pollution in the United States has long been a major environmental and public health concern. One significant issue that has emerged is the presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in fresh water streams. These substances can interfere with the hormonal systems of both humans and wildlife, leading to various adverse effects, including reproductive issues.

Endocrine Disruptors in all Freshwater Sources

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the endocrine (hormone) system in animals and humans, potentially causing various health issues. These include chemicals that mimic or block hormones, disrupting normal bodily functions. Common endocrine disruptors include pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, and industrial chemicals.

Sources of Pollution: Endocrine disruptors enter water systems through multiple pathways:

  • Wastewater Treatment Plants: Many pharmaceuticals and personal care products are not completely removed during wastewater treatment, leading to their presence in rivers and streams.

  • Agricultural Runoff: Pesticides and fertilizers containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals can wash into waterways.

  • Industrial Discharges: Certain industrial processes release endocrine-disrupting chemicals into water bodies.

Evidence from USGS Data: The United States Geological Survey (USGS) monitors water quality through its National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. USGS data reveals the presence of endocrine disruptors in a high percentage of fresh water streams.

Impact on Aquatic Life: One significant effect of endocrine disruptors is their impact on aquatic life. High levels of these chemicals can cause intersex conditions in fish, where individuals exhibit both male and female reproductive traits. This phenomenon has been documented in several studies.

Broader Implications: The contamination of fresh water streams with endocrine disruptors not only affects aquatic life but also poses risks to human health. Consuming contaminated water or fish can lead to exposure to harmful chemicals, impacting human endocrine systems and overall health.

Microplastics in all Freshwater Sources

  • Microplastics are present in all freshwater environments around the world, including lakes, rivers, and wetlands

  • A 2024 study published in Toxicological Sciences found microplastics in 100% of human testicles examined, as well as in dog testicles.

Overview of Microplastics:

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in diameter. They originate from the breakdown of larger plastic items or are manufactured as small particles for use in products like exfoliating scrubs and cleaning agents.

Sources of Microplastics: Microplastics enter freshwater systems through various pathways:

  • Urban Runoff: Plastic debris from roads, parks, and other urban areas is carried into water bodies during rain events.

  • Wastewater Treatment Plants: Ineffective filtration processes can allow microplastics to pass through and enter rivers and lakes.

  • Atmospheric Deposition: Microplastics can also be deposited from the atmosphere onto water bodies through rain and wind.

Evidence of Microplastics in Freshwater Streams: Numerous studies have documented the widespread presence of microplastics in freshwater streams across the globe:

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Findings: Research by the USGS has shown that microplastics are prevalent in a significant number of freshwater streams. For example, a 2019 study found microplastics in 91% of stream samples collected from across the United States.

  • Global Studies: Similar findings have been reported in freshwater systems worldwide, highlighting the ubiquity of microplastics in rivers, lakes, and streams.

Impact on Aquatic Life: Microplastics pose several threats to aquatic life:

  • Physical Harm: Ingested microplastics can cause physical damage to the digestive systems of fish and other aquatic organisms, potentially leading to injury or death.

  • Chemical Contaminants: Microplastics can adsorb harmful chemicals from the surrounding water, which may then be transferred to aquatic organisms that ingest them. These chemicals can include persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals.

  • Disruption of Ecosystems: The presence of microplastics can alter habitat structures and disrupt food webs, impacting entire aquatic ecosystems.

Broader Implications: The presence of microplastics in freshwater streams also has implications for human health and the environment:

  • Drinking Water: Microplastics have been detected in drinking water sources, raising concerns about potential health risks to humans.

  • Economic Costs: The impact of microplastics on fisheries and water treatment systems can result in significant economic costs.

Pesticide Contamination in Water


Atrazine in America's Water Supply: Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, primarily for controlling broadleaf and grassy weeds in crops such as corn. It is estimated that Atrazine is present in about 63% of America's water supply.

Environmental and Health Impacts:

  • Chemical Castration in Frogs: Tyrone Hayes, a renowned scientist from the University of California, Berkeley, conducted studies exposing frogs to Atrazine concentrations deemed "safe" by the EPA. His research found that 78% of these frogs experienced chemical castration, and 10% developed female reproductive organs and began producing eggs.

  • Cancer and Reproductive Harm: Atrazine has been linked to various health issues, including cancers, reproductive harm, and developmental delays. Research indicates that exposure to Atrazine may increase the risk of breast cancer and affect reproductive health.

Water Treatment Challenges:

  • Boiling and Filtering: Boiling water may actually increase the concentration of Atrazine due to its chemical properties. Moreover, most standard water filters are not effective at removing Atrazine from drinking water.

  • Contamination Extent: Approximately 70 to 80 million pounds of Atrazine are used annually, predominantly on corn during the spring. This widespread use leads to significant contamination of water systems. In 2015, Atrazine was detected at levels exceeding health-protective guidelines in over 800 water systems across 19 states, affecting millions of people.

Regional Contamination:

  • High Contamination Areas: High levels of Atrazine have been reported in various states, including Texas, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Ohio. For example, in 2015, Texas had high Atrazine levels in 237 water systems serving over 3 million people, and Kansas had high levels in 192 systems serving more than a million people.

Regulatory and Legal Aspects:

  • Legal Settlements: In 2012, Syngenta, the manufacturer of Atrazine, settled a class action lawsuit with water utilities affected by Atrazine contamination for $105 million. However, the settlement funds were distributed among many utility companies, often providing insufficient relief to the affected communities.

  • International Regulations: Atrazine has been banned in Europe since the 1980s due to its contamination of drinking water. Despite its ban in Europe, the U.S. continues to allow its use with minimal restrictions.


Overview of Glyphosate: Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide widely used to kill weeds, particularly annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. It is the active ingredient in many popular herbicides, including Roundup, and is extensively used in agriculture, landscaping, and residential areas.

Sources of Glyphosate in Water Supplies: Glyphosate enters water supplies through several pathways:

  • Agricultural Runoff: Glyphosate is commonly used on crops such as soybeans, corn, and wheat. Rain and irrigation can wash glyphosate residues from fields into nearby rivers, lakes, and streams.

  • Urban and Residential Use: Glyphosate is also used in residential areas for weed control, and runoff from these areas can contribute to glyphosate contamination in water systems.

  • Industrial Discharges: In some cases, glyphosate residues may enter water bodies through industrial discharges related to its production.

Evidence of Glyphosate in Water Supplies: Research indicates that glyphosate is commonly detected in water supplies across the United States:

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Findings: According to USGS data, glyphosate has been detected in a significant number of surface water and groundwater samples across the country. The USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program has documented glyphosate contamination in various water bodies.

  • Widespread Contamination: Glyphosate has been found in drinking water sources, with detection rates varying by region. A study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found glyphosate residues in numerous samples of drinking water from across the U.S.

Health and Environmental Impacts:

  • Human Health Risks: Glyphosate is classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Studies suggest a potential link between glyphosate exposure and certain types of cancer, such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  • Environmental Effects: Glyphosate can impact aquatic ecosystems. Its presence in water supplies can affect non-target plant species and aquatic organisms. Research has shown that glyphosate can disrupt the growth and reproduction of algae and other aquatic plants.

Regulatory and Legal Aspects:

  • Regulatory Standards: Glyphosate is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which sets limits for glyphosate residues in drinking water. However, regulatory standards and enforcement vary, and some argue that existing limits may not be sufficient to protect public health.

  • Legal Cases: Glyphosate has been the subject of numerous legal cases related to its health impacts. In 2018, a California jury awarded substantial damages to a man who claimed glyphosate exposure caused his cancer, drawing attention to the herbicide's potential risks.

Top Sources of Water Pollution

Water contamination and pollution are critical environmental issues impacting ecosystems and human health. These are the largest threats to America's water supplies and public health.

1. Heavy Metals

  • Sources: Industrial discharges, mining operations, and agricultural runoff.

  • Common Pollutants: Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic.

  • Health Impacts: Heavy metals can cause serious health issues, including neurological damage, kidney disease, and cancer. Lead, for example, can affect cognitive development in children.

2. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)

  • Sources: Wastewater from hospitals, households, and personal care products.

  • Common Pollutants: Antibiotics, hormones, pain relievers.

  • Health Impacts: PPCPs can disrupt aquatic life and contribute to antibiotic resistance. In aquatic organisms, exposure to these chemicals can cause reproductive and developmental issues.

3. Nutrients and Eutrophication

  • Sources: Agricultural runoff, sewage, and industrial discharges.

  • Common Pollutants: Nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • Environmental Impacts: Excess nutrients lead to eutrophication, causing algal blooms that deplete oxygen in water and harm aquatic life. This can lead to dead zones where aquatic life cannot survive.

4. Microplastics

  • Sources: Breakdown of larger plastic items, synthetic fibers from clothing, and personal care products.

  • Common Pollutants: Microbeads, fibers.

  • Health Impacts: Microplastics can be ingested by aquatic organisms, causing physical harm and potentially leading to bioaccumulation of toxic substances. They can also impact human health through contaminated water.

5. Pathogens

  • Sources: Contamination from sewage, agricultural runoff, and animal waste.

  • Common Pollutants: Bacteria (e.g., E. coli), viruses, protozoa.

  • Health Impacts: Pathogens can cause waterborne diseases, including gastrointestinal infections, hepatitis, and cholera.

6. Oil Spills

  • Sources: Accidental spills from ships, pipelines, and drilling operations.

  • Common Pollutants: Crude oil, refined petroleum products.

  • Environmental Impacts: Oil spills can devastate marine and coastal ecosystems, coating wildlife, and disrupting habitats. They also have long-term effects on the environment and human health.

7. Radioactive Contaminants

  • Sources: Nuclear power plants, medical and industrial waste.

  • Common Pollutants: Uranium, radon, cesium.

  • Health Impacts: Exposure to radioactive contaminants can lead to cancer and genetic mutations. These contaminants can persist in the environment for long periods.

8. Industrial Chemicals

  • Sources: Manufacturing processes, industrial discharges.

  • Common Pollutants: PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), dioxins.

  • Health Impacts: These chemicals can cause cancer, reproductive problems, and other serious health issues. They also persist in the environment and accumulate in the food chain.

9. Sediment Pollution

  • Sources: Erosion from construction sites, deforestation, and agricultural activities.

  • Common Pollutants: Soil particles, silt.

  • Environmental Impacts: Sediments can cloud water, reducing light penetration and affecting aquatic plants. They can also smother habitats and carry other pollutants.

10. Endocrine Disruptors

  • Sources: Chemicals in pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and industrial discharges.

  • Common Pollutants: Bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates.

  • Health Impacts: Endocrine disruptors can interfere with hormone systems in humans and wildlife, leading to reproductive and developmental issues.


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