Heal.Earth Begins Process for Ingathering of World's Tribes

June 10, 2024

Jerusalem, Israel – Heal.Earth, a leading humanitarian organization, has issued a global call for the Ingathering of the Tribes. Embracing the ancient concept of unity in diversity, Heal.Earth aims to bring together individuals, communities, and nations under a shared vision for a sustainable future.

The Ingathering of the Tribes, rooted in indigenous wisdom and echoed throughout history, symbolizes the urgent need for humanity to unite in the face of pressing environmental threats. Heal.Earth recognizes that no single entity or nation can tackle these challenges alone; it requires a collective effort, transcending borders and ideologies.

“At Heal.Earth, we believe that the end of time has come for humanity to set aside differences and come together as one,” said Matthew Weintrub, Director at Heal.Earth. “The Ingathering of Exiles represents a prophetic and profound shift in consciousness—a recognition of our interconnectedness with each other and with the Earth. It is a call to action for all individuals and communities to join hands and work towards a sustainable, regenerative future.”

The call for the Ingathering of Tribes comes at a critical juncture in history, as the world grapples with escalating war, climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. Heal.Earth emphasizes the need for inclusive, collaborative solutions that honor diverse perspectives and cultures.

“We cannot afford to continue down the path of destruction and division,” Matthew Weintrub emphasized. “Now is the time to come together, to listen to each other, and to act with compassion and urgency. By uniting as one human family, we can create a world where all life thrives.”

Heal.Earth invites individuals, organizations, and leaders from all walks of life to heed the call for the Ingathering of Tribes and join in collective action for a sustainable future. Together, we can heal the Earth and ensure a legacy of prosperity for generations to come.

For more information about Heal.Earth and the Ingathering of Tribes initiative, please visit heal.earth.

About Heal.Earth

Heal.Earth is a humanitarian organization dedicated to building God’s kingdom by addressing pressing issues facing communities around the world. Through advocacy, education, and action, Heal.Earth strives to bring healing and transformation to individuals and societies in need. For more information about Heal.Earth and Heal Israel, please contact: Matthew Weintrub Spiritual Director - Heal.Earth press@heal.earth

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