The Case for Annexing Canada and Mexico

In the wake of significant geopolitical changes and the anticipated reboot of the American Republic following internal conflict, the question of how to best fortify the nation economically and strategically is paramount.

An interesting idea is a bold proposal to annex Canada and Mexico into a unified American Union. This essay explores the rationale behind this proposal, emphasizing the economic benefits and strategic advantages that such a union could offer, particularly in anticipation of launching a new reserve currency and reestablishing a robust republic.

Strengthening Economic Power

The economic integration of Canada and Mexico into the United States would create a vastly larger and more dynamic economy. Together, these three nations would form the largest economy in the world, surpassing even the current economic giants. This expanded economic footprint would provide several key advantages:

  1. Increased Market Size: The combined population of the United States, Canada, and Mexico exceeds 500 million people. This substantial consumer base would drive economic growth through increased demand for goods and services, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

  2. Resource Abundance: Canada is rich in natural resources, including oil, natural gas, and minerals, while Mexico offers additional resources and strategic geographical advantages. The unification would ensure better access and management of these resources, reducing dependency on external sources and bolstering energy security.

  3. Trade Efficiency: The removal of trade barriers among the three countries would streamline cross-border commerce, reduce transaction costs, and enhance economic integration. This would facilitate the creation of a more efficient and competitive internal market.

  4. Enhanced Investment: A larger, more stable economic bloc would attract significant international investment. Investors are likely to view the unified American Union as a more attractive destination for capital, given its larger market and resource base.

Strategic Advantages in the Global Arena

The annexation of Canada and Mexico would also provide strategic benefits, particularly as America positions itself to launch a new reserve currency and strengthen its geopolitical influence:

  1. Unified Defense Capabilities: A unified American Union would enable more efficient coordination of defense resources and strategies. The combined military capabilities of the United States, Canada, and Mexico would enhance security and deterrence against external threats.

  2. Geopolitical Influence: The newly formed American Union would wield significant geopolitical power on the global stage. This increased influence would be critical in negotiations over the new reserve currency and in establishing international economic policies that align with the union’s interests.

  3. Strategic Resources: Canada’s Arctic resources and Mexico’s geographical position as a gateway between North and South America would provide strategic advantages in terms of energy security and trade routes.

Rebooting the Republic

The anticipated conclusion of the Second Civil War against rogue elements within the intelligence community and cabal assets represents a pivotal moment in American history. The reboot of the republic offers an opportunity to redefine the nation’s structure and economic policies. Annexing Canada and Mexico aligns with this vision by:

  1. Creating a Stronger Union: The unification of North America would serve as a foundation for a stronger, more resilient republic. By integrating the resources, markets, and strategic advantages of Canada and Mexico, the new American Union would be better positioned to navigate global challenges.

  2. Launching a New Reserve Currency: A unified economic bloc would support the introduction of a new reserve currency. This currency could benefit from the stability and economic strength of the American Union, positioning it as a credible alternative to existing global currencies and enhancing America’s financial sovereignty.

  3. Reforming Governance: The unification process would provide an opportunity to reform governance structures and address systemic issues. A fresh start would allow for the creation of a more transparent, accountable, and efficient government that reflects the values and interests of the new American Union.


The annexation of Canada and Mexico presents a compelling opportunity for the United States to strengthen its economic and strategic position on the global stage. By forming a unified American Union, America would benefit from a larger market, abundant resources, and enhanced geopolitical influence. As the nation prepares for a new chapter following internal conflicts and the reboot of the republic, this proposal offers a path to greater stability, prosperity, and global influence.

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