Era of Tribulation


The era tribulation begun around 2019-2020. The COVID-19 pandemic marks the beginning of a significant period of tribulation or distress, this is known as the rule of the Antichrist.

This period is marked by significant global challenges, including the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted lives, economies, and societies worldwide. The pandemic brought about unprecedented health crises, economic downturns, social unrest, and political tensions. Many saw these events as a catalyst for deeper reflections on the state of the world, the fragility of systems we rely on, and the need for profound change. In a broader sense, the era of tribulations exists to highlight existing issues such as inequality, environmental degradation, and geopolitical conflicts, which were exacerbated by the pandemic. The convergence of these crises has led many Christians and Tribes from around the world to believe humanity has entered a period of significant trials and upheavals.

The concept of the Antichrist is a force that embodies opposition to God and divine principles. The Antichrist is not just a single person but can manifest through various individuals, systems, or ideologies that actively work against the values of love, justice, truth, and freedom. This false system is subtle and deceptive, often masquerading as benevolence or progress while leading people away from true spiritual fulfillment.

The anti-Christ is anti-God, anti-Love and anti-Freedom. When you can define the values of the anti-Christ, it will help open your eyes and ears to how the current era of global governance: the WHO, the UN and World governments, banks and institutions form a godless alliance called the Beast. Understanding the Antichrist requires a deeper exploration of the associated symbols, such as the Beast, and the underlying spirit that drives these entities.

The Beast symbolizes a system of global governance and power that is devoid of spiritual truth and embodies the spirit of the Antichrist. This system is characterized by a disregard for human dignity, freedom, and divine principles, instead promoting control, oppression, and materialism. The Beast is a conglomerate of governments, institutions, and organizations that enforce godless, authoritarian rule, suppressing free will and the spiritual growth of humanity.

The COVID-19 pandemic was the tool used by this alliance to enforce worldwide control over governments and individuals, attempting to suppress freedom and impose a godless rule.

Despite these efforts, the plans of the Beast and the Antichrist are being actively thwarted by individuals who were spiritually awake and attuned to the word of God. These souls resisted the psychological operations designed to censor free speech and control their lives, thereby protecting spiritual freedom and resisting the encroachment of the Antichrist's influence.

These tribulations serve as a crucible, testing our faith, resilience, and commitment to divine principles. The satanic forces opposing God—whether they manifest as global governance, oppressive systems, or the spirit of the Antichrist—may seem powerful, but they are not insurmountable. The trials we face are not the end but rather a necessary passage that refines and strengthens those who remain steadfast in their faith.

As we continue to navigate this challenging period, it's crucial to remember that the ultimate victory belongs to God. We find ourselves a little over halfway through the tribulations, a period marked by significant challenges, upheavals, and spiritual tests.

Our role in this time is to remain vigilant, faithful, and courageous. By standing firm in our beliefs, supporting one another, and resisting the influence of godless systems, we contribute to the unfolding of God's plan. Every act of love, every stand for truth, and every refusal to bow to the forces of darkness brings us closer to the ultimate triumph.

No matter how dark the days may seem or how fierce the battles become, the outcome is already assured. The light of truth, love, and divine justice will prevail over the forces of deception, hatred, and oppression.

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