Helper Hotline


The Help Hotline is a national initiative designed to provide immediate support for individuals facing emergencies, whether financial, emotional, or other urgent needs. This hotline offers a text-based service where anyone in need can reach out for help. The system connects individuals with local churches, synogogues and mosques in their area, ensuring timely and compassionate assistance.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Help Hotline is to mobilize the collective power of church communities across the nation to provide immediate and effective support to those in distress. Our vision is to create a seamless, compassionate network where individuals in crisis can easily access the help they need through local church outreach programs.

How It Works

  1. Text-Based Access: Individuals in need can text a national hotline number with their specific requests for help.

  2. Dispatcher Connection: Trained dispatchers receive these texts and identify the caller's location and nature of the emergency.

  3. Local Church Network: Dispatchers connect the individual with a local church or non-profit network in their area.

  4. Community Review and Response: Local churches receive the requests and review them as a community. Churches can then take on these requests as mission work, providing necessary aid and support.


  • Immediate Assistance: Provides a quick and accessible way for individuals to seek help in emergencies.

  • Community Involvement: Encourages churches to engage in local mission work and directly impact their communities.

  • Comprehensive Support: Addresses a wide range of emergencies, from financial crises to emotional support needs.

  • Network of Compassion: Creates a nationwide support system, ensuring that help is always available regardless of location.

Implementation Plan

  1. National Hotline Establishment: Set up a dedicated national text-based hotline number.

  2. Dispatcher Training: Train dispatchers to handle emergency texts efficiently and connect individuals with appropriate local resources.

  3. Church Network Enrollment: Enroll churches across the country to participate in the network and provide necessary support.

  4. Community Coordination: Develop a system for local churches to review and take on requests as community mission projects.

  5. Awareness Campaign: Launch a national awareness campaign to inform the public about the Church Help Hotline and how to use it.


The Help Hotline aims to transform the way communities respond to emergencies by leveraging the strength and compassion of local churches. By providing an accessible and immediate support system, we can ensure that no one faces a crisis alone. This initiative not only supports individuals in their time of need but also fosters a spirit of unity and service within church communities nationwide.

Last updated