Military Oversight of Intel Agencies


America's intelligence agencies have proven disregard for the Constitution of the United States through repeated violations of their charters which have crossed into criminal conduct along the lines of treason and treachery. The Heal Earth Institute is proud to introduce the National Security Oversight Reform Act which is designed to restore the Department of Defense as the leader in defending the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic by granting the US Armed Forces direct oversight over intelligence agencies.

National Security Oversight Reform Act

Section 1: Short Title This Act may be cited as the "National Security Oversight Reform Act."

Section 2: Purpose To enhance accountability, streamline command structures, and strengthen national security by placing the United States Intelligence Community under the direct oversight of the Department of Defense and assigning the role of the Director of National Intelligence to a military general.

Section 3: Military Oversight of Intelligence Agencies

(a) Establishment of Oversight The United States Intelligence Community, including but not limited to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Counterintelligence Division, shall operate under the direct oversight of the Department of Defense.

(b) Director of National Intelligence (DNI) The Director of National Intelligence shall be a commissioned military officer holding the rank of a four-star general or equivalent. The DNI shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall report directly to the Secretary of Defense.

(c) Chain of Command The DNI shall have operational command authority over all intelligence agencies and be responsible for integrating intelligence operations, ensuring cooperation between agencies, and maintaining adherence to legal and constitutional standards. The DNI shall report directly to the Secretary of Defense and the President.

(d) Intelligence Coordination Council An Intelligence Coordination Council, chaired by the DNI, shall be established to facilitate interagency collaboration and oversight. The Council shall include representatives from all major intelligence agencies, with a focus on strategic alignment and policy implementation.

Section 4: Reorganization of Intelligence Functions

(a) Integration of Defense and Intelligence Operations All intelligence agencies shall align their operational structures and resources with military commands to enhance responsiveness and coordination. The NSA, DIA, and other defense-related intelligence entities shall report directly to the DNI.

(b) Joint Operations Center A Joint Operations Center (JOC) shall be established to serve as the primary hub for intelligence and military coordination. The JOC will be staffed with personnel from all intelligence agencies and military branches to ensure real-time data sharing and collaborative decision-making.

Section 5: Oversight and Accountability

(a) Congressional Oversight Committee A Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on Intelligence and Defense shall be established to monitor and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of this Act. The Committee shall have authority to request reports, hold hearings, and issue recommendations to the DNI and Secretary of Defense.

(b) Annual Performance Review The DNI shall submit an annual performance review to the Secretary of Defense, the President, and the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee. This review shall include an assessment of intelligence operations, interagency collaboration, and adherence to constitutional and legal standards.

Section 6: Implementation and Funding

(a) Implementation Plan Within 180 days of enactment, the Secretary of Defense and the DNI shall submit an implementation plan to Congress, detailing steps for reorganization, personnel alignment, and operational integration.

(b) Funding Authorization Appropriate funds are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for the implementation of this Act, including costs associated with restructuring, personnel training, and technology upgrades.

Section 7: Effective Date This Act shall take effect 180 days after its enactment.

Section 8: Severability If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

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