The Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked

-Psalm 82:3-4


The foster care crisis in America is a pressing issue, with hundreds of thousands of children in need of stable and loving homes. As of recent data, there are approximately 400,000 children in the United States foster care system at any given time. Each year, around 250,000 children enter the system, while about the same number exit through reunification with their families, adoption, or aging out.

As a community of faith, the Church of Christ has a unique opportunity and moral obligation to address this crisis. By working together, churches in cities across the United States can help create a network of Christian homes and volunteers that will welcome foster children into the homes of their members, fulfilling God's commandments and receiving the Lord's favor by taking up this critical work.

Many foster children have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect, which makes the need for stable, loving, and supportive foster homes even more critical. There is nothing more beautiful that we can do than provide these children with a loving Christian community and Church to help raise them in a good way. Furthermore, we can pray for the parnets of these children and hold space for them to find healing through the Church and its communities.

Understanding the Foster Care Crisis

The foster care system is overwhelmed, with an increasing number of children entering care each year due to various factors, including abuse, neglect, and parental substance abuse. Many children face instability, frequent relocations, and a lack of permanent, loving homes. The church, guided by biblical teachings, can play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges.

Biblical Mandate for Caring for the Orphans

The Bible is replete with commands and exhortations to care for orphans and vulnerable children. James 1:27 states, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Christ commands us to follow him and accept our responsbility as a church to actively engage in fostering and adoption.

The Role of the Church Community

  1. Raising Awareness and Advocacy: Churches can begin by educating their congregations about the foster care crisis, the urgent need for foster families, and the biblical mandate to care for orphans. Regular sermons, informational sessions, and guest speakers from foster care organizations can help raise awareness and inspire action.

  2. Creating Support Networks: Foster care can be challenging, but churches can provide a robust support network for foster families. This includes emotional and spiritual support, respite care, financial assistance, and practical help such as meals and childcare. By creating a nurturing environment, churches can ensure that foster parents feel supported and equipped to provide the best care for foster children.

  3. Encouraging Foster Parenting and Adoption: Churches can actively encourage and assist their members in becoming foster parents or adopting children. This can involve partnering with local foster care agencies to streamline the certification process, providing training and resources, and offering financial assistance or grants to cover adoption-related expenses.

  4. Establishing Foster Care Ministries: Larger churches can establish dedicated foster care ministries that coordinate efforts to recruit, train, and support foster families within the congregation. These ministries can also advocate for foster care reform and work with local government and nonprofit organizations to improve the system.

  5. Promoting Mentorship Programs: Not all church members may be in a position to become foster parents, but they can still play a vital role through mentorship programs. By mentoring foster youth, church members can provide stable, positive relationships that help these children navigate their challenging circumstances and prepare for adulthood.

Collaboration Among Churches

Churches within a city or region can form coalitions to address the foster care crisis collectively. By pooling resources, sharing best practices, and coordinating efforts, these coalitions can have a more significant impact than individual churches working alone. Collaborative efforts can include city-wide awareness campaigns, joint training sessions, and community events to recruit foster families.

The Spiritual and Communal Benefits

Engaging in foster care ministry not only fulfills God's commandments but also brings numerous benefits to the church community. It strengthens the sense of purpose and unity among congregants, deepens their faith through service, and provides tangible opportunities to live out the Gospel. Additionally, churches that actively care for foster children can become beacons of hope and compassion in their communities, attracting new members and fostering a positive reputation.


The foster care crisis is a call to action for churches across America. By working together to place foster children into the homes of their members, churches can fulfill God's commandments and receive His favor. Through awareness, support networks, encouragement, dedicated ministries, and collaboration, the church can make a significant and lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children. In doing so, they embody the love and compassion of Christ, creating a legacy of care and transformation for generations to come.

Last updated