Government Procurement

Amendment to Reform the Procurement Process for the Pentagon and the U.S. Government

Executive Sumamry

This proposal presents an amendment to reform the procurement processes for the Pentagon and the broader U.S. government. The aim is to introduce on-demand pricing and service delivery, streamline the building of internal tools, and eliminate unnecessary regulatory burdens. This comprehensive reform will enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and ensure that government procurement is more responsive to evolving needs.


  1. Implement On-Demand Pricing and Service Delivery: Shift from fixed-price contracts to more flexible on-demand pricing models to enhance responsiveness and cost-efficiency.

  2. Facilitate Internal Tool Development: Simplify the processes and provide resources for government entities to develop and deploy their own technological tools and solutions.

  3. Deregulate and Reduce Red Tape: Remove unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles to streamline procurement processes and expedite service delivery.

  4. Enhance Efficiency and Agility: Improve the agility of procurement processes to better respond to changing requirements and technologies.

  5. Encourage Innovation and Competition: Create an environment that encourages innovative solutions and healthy competition among vendors.

Key Reforms

  1. On-Demand Pricing and Service Delivery:

    • Flexible Contracting: Introduce contracts that allow for on-demand pricing, where costs are based on actual usage and service delivery, rather than predetermined fixed prices.

    • Dynamic Adjustments: Enable contracts to be dynamically adjusted based on real-time performance metrics and evolving needs.

    • Subscription Models: Adopt subscription-based models for software and services, allowing for scalable and flexible procurement.

  2. Facilitate Internal Tool Development:

    • Innovation Hubs: Establish innovation hubs within government agencies that focus on developing internal tools and solutions.

    • Rapid Prototyping: Implement frameworks for rapid prototyping and iterative development of internal tools, reducing time-to-market.

    • Resource Allocation: Allocate dedicated funding and resources for internal development projects, minimizing dependency on external contractors.

  3. Deregulate and Reduce Red Tape:

    • Simplified Procedures: Streamline procurement procedures by eliminating redundant steps and unnecessary documentation requirements.

    • Delegated Authority: Increase the threshold for procurement approvals that can be made at the agency level, reducing the need for higher-level approvals.

    • Standardized Processes: Develop standardized procurement templates and guidelines to simplify and expedite the contracting process.

  4. Enhanced Efficiency and Agility:

    • Real-Time Procurement Platforms: Implement advanced procurement platforms that support real-time bidding, contracting, and service delivery.

    • Agile Contracting: Adopt agile contracting methods that allow for incremental delivery and continuous improvement based on feedback.

    • Performance Metrics: Establish clear performance metrics and real-time monitoring to ensure accountability and transparency.

  5. Encourage Innovation and Competition:

    • Open Innovation Challenges: Launch open innovation challenges and competitions to attract innovative solutions from a diverse range of vendors.

    • Simplified Vendor Access: Simplify the process for new and small businesses to become government vendors, fostering greater competition and innovation.

    • Collaborative Ecosystems: Promote collaboration between government, industry, and academia to leverage cutting-edge technologies and solutions.

Implementation Plan

  1. Legislative Approval: Secure congressional approval for the proposed amendments, emphasizing the benefits of increased efficiency, cost savings, and innovation.

  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with key stakeholders, including government agencies, contractors, and industry experts, to refine and support the implementation of the reforms.

  3. Pilot Programs: Implement pilot programs within select agencies to test and refine the new procurement processes and models.

  4. Training and Development: Provide comprehensive training for procurement officials on new procedures, tools, and technologies.

  5. Continuous Improvement: Establish a feedback loop for continuous monitoring and improvement of the procurement processes, incorporating lessons learned from pilot programs and stakeholder input.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Reduced procurement cycle times and more responsive service delivery.

  2. Cost Savings: Lower overall procurement costs through on-demand pricing and reduced bureaucratic overhead.

  3. Increased Innovation: Greater adoption of innovative solutions and technologies in government operations.

  4. Improved Agility: Enhanced ability to adapt to changing needs and technologies swiftly.

  5. Greater Accountability: Improved transparency and accountability through performance-based metrics and real-time monitoring.


Reforming the Pentagon and the U.S. government's procurement process through this amendment will address inefficiencies, enhance responsiveness, and foster innovation. By implementing on-demand pricing, facilitating internal tool development, and eliminating unnecessary regulatory burdens, this comprehensive reform will ensure that the government's procurement practices are more effective, efficient, and aligned with contemporary needs. The proposed changes will position the Pentagon and other government entities to better meet current and future challenges, delivering greater value to taxpayers and improving overall government performance.

Last updated