Biology of Spirituality


Natural spirituality refers to a spiritual approach that emphasizes a connection with the natural world and a belief in the interconnectedness of all living things. It is often associated with indigenous and earth-based spiritual traditions that have a deep respect for nature and the environment.

Natural spirituality involves an intuitive understanding of the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, and a recognition that humans are just one part of a larger ecosystem. It often involves practices such as meditation, ritual, and ceremony that are designed to deepen this connection with nature and foster a sense of reverence for the natural world.

While natural spirituality can take many forms, it often involves a rejection of dogmatic or organized religions in favor of a more personal and intuitive spiritual path. It emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature and the need for humans to take responsibility for protecting the environment and preserving the natural world for future generations.

Firmly rooted in the brain, the body and our biology, Natural Spirituality guides us through a stepped approach to unlock the power of our Natural Self and ultimately our highest potential. Unlike many approaches, Natural Spirituality does not ignore the body or the important role of the healthy ego or identity. These are essential foundational pieces upon which a sustainable spiritual path can be built.

Beliefs and Values of Natural Spirituality

Natural spirituality is rooted in the belief that all living things are interconnected and interdependent. This means that humans are just one part of a larger ecosystem, and that our actions have an impact on the natural world around us. Therefore, natural spirituality places a high value on respecting and revering nature, recognizing its intrinsic value, and understanding that we are all a part of it. Additionally, natural spirituality emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature, rather than trying to dominate or exploit it. This means taking responsibility for protecting the environment and preserving the natural world for future generations.

Practices and Rituals of Natural Spirituality

Practices and rituals are an important part of natural spirituality, and are designed to deepen our connection with the natural world. Meditation and mindfulness are commonly used to quiet the mind and help us become more present to the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Connection with natural elements such as earth, water, and sky are often used to help us feel grounded and connected. Celebration of natural cycles such as the seasons and phases of the moon are also common, and can be used to mark important milestones in our spiritual journey. Finally, the use of sacred plants and herbs in ceremony can help us connect with the spirit of the natural world and receive guidance and insight.

Origins and Influences of Natural Spirituality

Natural spirituality has its roots in indigenous and earth-based spiritual traditions, which have been practiced for thousands of years in cultures around the world. These traditions emphasize the importance of living in harmony with nature, and have a deep respect and reverence for the natural world. In more recent times, figures such as Henry David Thoreau and John Muir helped popularize natural spirituality in the United States, while movements such as the environmental and peace movements have also drawn inspiration from its values and beliefs. Today, there are many contemporary practitioners and organizations promoting natural spirituality, and its influence can be seen in various areas of modern society, including art, literature, and politics. Natural spirituality remains an important and influential spiritual path for many people. Its emphasis on the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of living in harmony with nature resonates with many people, especially in the face of environmental challenges and social unrest. Whether through practices and rituals, or through a deeper connection with the natural world, natural spirituality offers a unique and powerful path for personal growth and spiritual transformation.


  1. Hillman, J. (2013). Earth-Based Spirituality: The Development of an Environmental Ethic. Environmental Ethics, 35(3), 293-310.

  2. Spretnak, C. (2015). The Re-Emergence of Indigenous Spirituality and the Environmental Movement: A Global Overview. International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 34(2), 25-38.

  3. Colleen, M. (2019). Naturalistic Spirituality: A Philosophical Exploration. Religions, 10(10), 571.

  4. Bockoven, J., & Jones, S. (2020). Natural Spirituality and Climate Change: A Call for Re-Enchantment. Religions, 11(7), 326.

  5. Lawrence, C. A. (2017). Natural Spirituality and Its Relevance for Contemporary Theology. Theology Today, 74(4), 327-339.

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