Will Solar Engineering Creating a New Ice Age?

We are currently in an ice age known as the Quaternary glaciation or the Pleistocene glaciation. This ice age began around 2.6 million years ago and continues to the present day. It is characterized by repeated glacial and interglacial cycles, where glaciers advance and retreat due to changes in Earth's orbit and axial tilt (Milankovitch cycles).

Key Points:

  1. Glacial and Interglacial Periods: Within this ongoing ice age, there have been several glacial periods (when large ice sheets covered significant portions of the Earth's surface) and interglacial periods (warmer periods between glaciations).

  2. Current Interglacial Period: We are currently in an interglacial period called the Holocene, which began around 11,700 years ago after the last glacial period (the Wisconsin glaciation) ended. The Holocene is characterized by relatively warm temperatures compared to glaciations.

  3. Human Influence: While the natural cycles of the Quaternary ice age continue, human activities, especially since the Industrial Revolution, have significantly influenced Earth's climate. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other activities have increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and impacting climate patterns.

  4. Future Climate: Climate models indicate that without significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, global temperatures will continue to rise, potentially disrupting the balance of natural glacial-interglacial cycles and causing further climate changes.

Disinformation is Hiding the Truth

Is Solar Engineering Creating the Next Ice Age?

Solar engineering, the field dedicated to managing and modifying Earth's solar radiation, is often proposed as a method to combat climate change. But what if solar engineering is in fact creating the conditions for a new ice age?

Technologies such as solar radiation management (SRM) aim to reflect a portion of incoming sunlight to cool the planet and mitigate global warming. However, these approaches carry significant risks and unintended consequences, one of which could be the onset of a new ice age.

Understanding Solar Engineering

Solar engineering encompasses various techniques designed to influence the Earth's climate. These include:

  • Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI): Releasing reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to scatter sunlight.

  • Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB): Enhancing the reflectivity of clouds over the oceans.

  • Space-based Reflectors: Deploying mirrors or other reflective materials in space to reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching Earth.

2. Mechanisms Leading to a New Ice Age

The potential for solar engineering to trigger a new ice age stems from the following mechanisms:

a. Disruption of Global Climate Patterns

Solar radiation management could significantly alter global climate systems. The cooling effect intended to counteract global warming may inadvertently disrupt existing weather patterns and ocean currents. For instance, cooling the atmosphere could weaken the Gulf Stream, which is crucial for distributing warm water across the Atlantic. A weakened Gulf Stream could lead to a dramatic cooling of Northern Europe and North America, potentially initiating conditions conducive to an ice age.

b. Impact on the Carbon Cycle

Solar engineering might also impact the carbon cycle. Cooling the planet could lead to increased carbon dioxide absorption by oceans and vegetation. Over time, this could lower atmospheric carbon levels, potentially triggering a feedback loop that exacerbates cooling and further disrupts the climate. If carbon sequestration becomes too efficient, it could lead to excessive cooling and pave the way for an ice age.

c. Altered Glacial Dynamics

The introduction of reflective particles or other cooling methods might change the dynamics of glacial formation and retreat. For example, cooling temperatures could encourage ice sheet growth in polar regions, potentially leading to the expansion of ice sheets and glaciers. If these ice sheets grow large enough, they could trigger a significant drop in global temperatures, initiating an ice age.

3. Historical Precedents and Models

Historical climate events, such as the Younger Dryas period, illustrate how sudden climate changes can lead to ice ages. Models of past climate shifts suggest that significant alterations in solar radiation, ocean currents, or greenhouse gas concentrations can drive such transitions. Solar engineering might similarly induce abrupt and dramatic climate shifts if not carefully managed.

4. Mitigation and Risk Management

To avoid the risk of inducing a new ice age, it is essential to approach solar engineering with caution:

  • Thorough Modeling and Simulation: Comprehensive climate models should be used to predict the potential impacts of solar engineering technologies on global climate patterns.

  • Incremental Implementation: Solar engineering techniques should be tested and deployed gradually to monitor effects and make adjustments as needed.

  • International Collaboration: Global governance and cooperation are crucial to ensure that solar engineering efforts do not unintentionally harm the planet's climate systems.

Regulating Solar Engineering

  • Mexico announced a set of measures to ban solar geoengineering experiments in the country after a rogue experiment.

  • Tennessee lawmakers have passed a bill banning the release of airborne chemicals that critics say is inspired by "chemtrails" conspiracy theories.

The bill forbids "intentional injection, release, or dispersion" of chemicals into the air. It broadly prohibits "affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight".

The Republican-sponsored bill passed along party lines on Monday. If it is signed by Tennessee's governor, Republican Bill Lee, it will go into effect on 1 July.

Plan of Prosecution for Solar Engineering

Heal.Earth has received evidence of a cadre of whistleblowers testifying that solar engineering projects are active and ongoing. We consider attempts by mainstream media to downplay these efforts as conspiracy theories as evidence of a psychological warfare campaign being waged on the public in coordination with government agencies.

Call for Action:

  • We call for legislation in Congress or Executive Orders from the Office of the President to mandate disclosure of government geo-engineering projects and labs.

  • We call for a legal framework for prosecuting individuals and entities involved in unauthorized or harmful solar engineering activities. This framework will ensure accountability, deter potential offenders, and protect public and environmental health.

  • Environmental Protection Laws: Violation of laws protecting air, water, and soil quality.

  • Public Safety Regulations: Endangering public health and safety through unregulated geoengineering practices.

  • International Treaties: Breach of international agreements on environmental and climate protection.

Prosecution for Civilians:

  1. Investigation:

    • Detection and Reporting: Establish a hotline and online platform for reporting suspicious solar engineering activities.

    • Surveillance and Monitoring: Use satellite imagery, drones, and environmental sensors to detect unauthorized activities.

    • Data Collection: Collect evidence such as samples of aerosols, soil, and water for laboratory analysis.

  2. Legal Process:

    • Charges: File charges based on evidence collected, including unauthorized pollution, environmental damage, and endangerment of public health.

    • Arrest Warrants: Issue arrest warrants for individuals and cease-and-desist orders for corporations involved.

    • Trial: Conduct trials in civil courts with special environmental law divisions.

  3. Penalties:

    • Fines: Impose significant fines proportionate to the damage caused.

    • Community Service: Mandate community service in environmental restoration projects.

    • Incarceration: Sentence severe offenders to prison terms as a deterrent.

Prosecution for Government Employees:

  1. Investigation:

    • Internal Audits: Conduct regular audits within government agencies to detect unauthorized solar engineering projects.

    • Whistleblower Protections: Encourage whistleblowers to report illicit activities with guarantees of anonymity and protection from retaliation.

  2. Legal Process:

    • Military Tribunals: Establish military tribunals for government employees, especially if activities have national security implications.

    • Court-Martial: Use court-martial procedures for military personnel involved in unauthorized solar engineering.

  3. Charges and Penalties:

    • Charges: Include dereliction of duty, breach of public trust, and endangerment of national security.

    • Penalties: Range from dishonorable discharge and loss of pension to imprisonment.

Implementation Steps:

  1. Legislation:

    • Draft and pass legislation specifically targeting unauthorized solar engineering activities.

    • Amend existing environmental protection laws to include clauses on solar engineering.

  2. Public Awareness:

    • Launch awareness campaigns to educate the public on the dangers of unauthorized solar engineering and the importance of reporting suspicious activities.

  3. International Cooperation:

    • Collaborate with international bodies and other nations to create a unified approach to prosecuting solar engineering globally.

  4. Resources Allocation:

    • Allocate resources for setting up monitoring systems, investigative teams, and special tribunals.

  5. Training and Education:

    • Train law enforcement, judiciary, and military personnel on the specifics of solar engineering and related legal frameworks.

Summer 2024: Dozens Of Night Time Low Temp Records Across US

Climate alarmists and their left-wing corporate media allies, who constantly spread fear and anxiety among an already heavily medicated population, churn out endless streams of climate doom headlines right at the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer (how convenient). They deliberately ignore the fact that the 2022 Tonga Volcano eruption is contributing to some of the Earth's warming—and they'll conveniently leave out this critical piece of climate news:

"Dozens of night time low temp records have been broken the last 2 mornings. Many folks waking up to temps in the upper 40s and lower 50s this morning," private weather forecaster BAM Weather wrote on X.

Last updated