Local Business Tax Credits

Introduction: This proposal advocates for the establishment of a Local Business Tax Credit program in Texas aimed at supporting and incentivizing small and local businesses. The proposed tax credit will provide financial relief to local businesses, encourage economic development, and enhance community engagement. By offering targeted tax credits, Texas can foster a more robust and resilient local economy.

Objective: To create a Local Business Tax Credit program that provides tax incentives to small and local businesses in Texas, supporting their growth, encouraging investment in the community, and boosting local economic development.

Key Components:

  1. Eligibility Criteria:

    • Business Size: The tax credit will be available to small and local businesses as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) standards, typically businesses with fewer than 500 employees.

    • Location: Eligible businesses must be physically located in Texas and primarily serve local customers or operate within the state.

    • Revenue Threshold: Set revenue thresholds to ensure the tax credit benefits small and medium-sized businesses. For example, businesses with annual revenues under $10 million.

  2. Types of Tax Credits:

    • Operational Expense Credit: Provide a credit for a percentage of operational expenses, such as rent, utilities, and wages, to reduce the financial burden on local businesses.

    • Investment in Infrastructure Credit: Offer a credit for investments in local infrastructure improvements, such as renovations or equipment upgrades, that contribute to business growth and community enhancement.

    • Hiring Credit: Provide a credit for hiring local residents or expanding the workforce. This can include credits for job creation, training programs, and internships for local students.

    • Community Engagement Credit: Offer credits for businesses that engage in community development activities, such as sponsoring local events, supporting local charities, or participating in community service projects.

  3. Credit Calculation and Limits:

    • Credit Amount: Determine the credit amount as a percentage of eligible expenses or investments. For example, a 10% credit on operational expenses or a $5,000 credit for infrastructure investments.

    • Annual Cap: Set annual caps on the total amount of credits available to each business to ensure fair distribution and manage program costs.

    • Program Cap: Establish an overall cap on the total amount of tax credits distributed statewide to manage fiscal impact and ensure program sustainability.

  4. Application and Administration:

    • Application Process: Develop a streamlined application process for businesses to apply for the tax credit. Include clear guidelines, required documentation, and submission procedures.

    • Approval and Certification: Implement a review and approval process to certify eligible businesses and verify compliance with program requirements.

    • Credit Allocation: Administer the credit allocation through the Texas Comptroller’s office or a designated agency, ensuring timely processing and disbursement of credits.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:

    • Program Evaluation: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the Local Business Tax Credit program by monitoring participation rates, economic impact, and business growth.

    • Feedback Mechanism: Create a feedback mechanism for businesses to provide input on the program and suggest improvements. Use this feedback to refine and enhance the program.

  6. Public Communication and Outreach:

    • Awareness Campaign: Launch an awareness campaign to inform local businesses about the tax credit program, its benefits, and the application process. Use various channels, including social media, local chambers of commerce, and business associations.

    • Educational Workshops: Host workshops and informational sessions to educate business owners about the tax credit program, eligibility requirements, and application procedures.

  7. Implementation Plan:

    • Legislative Action: Advocate for the introduction and passage of legislation to establish the Local Business Tax Credit program. Work with lawmakers to gain support and approval.

    • Program Development: Develop the program infrastructure, including application forms, guidelines, and administrative processes. Set up the necessary administrative systems for credit allocation and monitoring.

    • Public Launch: Officially launch the program, distribute information to eligible businesses, and begin accepting applications.


  • Economic Support: The tax credit program provides financial relief to local businesses, helping them manage operational costs and invest in growth.

  • Job Creation: By incentivizing local hiring and workforce expansion, the program supports job creation and economic development in communities.

  • Community Investment: The program encourages businesses to invest in local infrastructure and engage in community development, strengthening ties with the community.

  • Business Growth: Financial incentives help businesses invest in their operations, enhance competitiveness, and drive long-term growth.

Last updated