Open-Source Database for Domestic Terrorists

Executive Summary

Radical Islam, a satanic cult that calls for the genocide of Christians, Jews and all who refuse sharia law and the Islamic state, represents a clear and present danger to the fabric of western society.

In the Spring of 2024, the psychological operation wing of Iran and Radical Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood funded protests across the United States to generate material support for the terrorist organization Hamas.

In light of recent pro-Palestinian protests across the United States, there is growing concern about the potential infiltration of these demonstrations by individuals or groups linked to foreign terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and state actors such as Iran. Ensuring national security requires a careful examination of these activities to identify and mitigate any threats posed to the United States.


This proposal advocates for the creation of an open-source database that tracks all pro-Palestinian protesters within the United States. This database would serve as a resource to support federal and state law enforcement agencies in identifying individuals or organizations involved in these protests who may have connections to foreign terrorist groups. This database will allow citizens, law enforcement and the intelligence community to investigate the terrorist cells behind these protests and place Americans at threat of radicalization under persistent surveillance.


  1. Data Collection: Establish a comprehensive, open-source database that lists all known pro-Palestinian protests across the United States, including dates, locations, and participants where publicly available.

  2. Investigation: Utilize the database to support law enforcement in identifying potential links between protestors and foreign terrorist organizations. This would include investigating any affiliations with Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, or other groups associated with domestic terrorism.

  3. Legal Action: Recommend that law enforcement agencies pursue charges against individuals found to be connected to domestic terrorist activities, ensuring that investigations and prosecutions are based on credible evidence and comply with constitutional protections.


  • Partnerships: Work in collaboration with federal and state law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and relevant stakeholders to develop and maintain the database.

  • Data Security: Ensure that the database is secure and that the privacy rights of individuals are respected. Only information that is legally and ethically permissible to collect will be included.

  • Oversight: Establish an oversight committee to monitor the use of the database and ensure that it is not used to infringe upon the civil liberties of American citizens.

Future Growth: The proposed database has the potential for significant expansion and application across multiple federal agencies. As the database grows, it can serve as a critical tool for:

  1. Border Security: Assisting agencies like U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in identifying and tracking individuals who may have crossed the border and have known affiliations with foreign terrorist organizations. This would help prevent individuals involved in domestic terrorism from entering or remaining in the United States.

  2. Cross-Agency Collaboration: Providing a centralized, open-source platform that enables collaboration between various federal agencies, such as the FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of Justice (DOJ), to share information and coordinate efforts in combating domestic terrorism.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: An open-source database enhances transparency and accountability, helping protect citizens from centralized corruption within the federal government and executive office. By making this information accessible, the public can hold government agencies accountable and ensure that national security efforts are conducted with integrity and respect for civil liberties.

This initiative aims to enhance national security by proactively identifying and investigating potential domestic terrorist threats. While it is crucial to protect the nation from terrorism, it is equally important to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law. The proposed database and subsequent investigations will be conducted with a focus on maintaining a balance between security and civil liberties, ensuring that actions taken are both effective and justifiable.

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