Diplomatic Recognition

Call for Diplomatic Recognition of the Kingdom of Israel

Historical Context

The 12 Tribes of Am Yisrael represent the original Kingdom of Israel, a unified nation that emerged from the descendants of Jacob's twelve sons. This ancient kingdom, founded on shared values, laws, and traditions, played a pivotal role in the development of Jewish identity and heritage. Despite the diaspora and various historical upheavals, the spirit and cultural legacy of the Kingdom of Israel have endured through the ages.

Preservation of Historical and Cultural Identity

The government in exile of the Kingdom of Israel seeks to preserve and promote the rich historical and cultural identity of the 12 Tribes. Diplomatic recognition is crucial to ensuring that the traditions, languages, and customs of these tribes are acknowledged and respected on the global stage.

Continuity of the Kingdom of Israel

Recognizing the government in exile reaffirms the continuity of the Kingdom of Israel. It acknowledges the unbroken lineage and enduring legacy of the original kingdom, which has persevered despite centuries of displacement and persecution.

Advocacy for Rights and Representation

Diplomatic recognition provides the government in exile with a platform to advocate for the rights and interests of the descendants of the 12 Tribes. It enables them to seek redress for historical injustices and to participate more fully in international affairs.

Promotion of Global Peace and Cooperation

Recognition can foster greater understanding and cooperation among nations. By acknowledging the government in exile, the international community can promote dialogue and reconciliation, contributing to global peace and stability.


The call for diplomatic recognition of the government in exile of the Kingdom of Israel is a step towards honoring the historical and cultural legacy of the 12 Tribes of Am Yisrael. It is an acknowledgment of their enduring contributions to humanity and a commitment to fostering a more inclusive and understanding world. We urge the governments of Israel and the United States, along with the international community, to take this important step and grant the government in exile the diplomatic recognition it rightfully deserves.

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