Female Leadership in the Church

In recent years, the Catholic Church has begun to acknowledge its historical missteps, including the unjust treatment and marginalization of Mary of Magdala (commonly known as Mary Magdalene). Historically misrepresented and blasphemed by the Church, Mary Magdalene is now being recognized as the Chief Apostle of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. Ancient texts, including the Qumran scriptures, highlight the special teachings that Jesus imparted to her, teachings that even the other apostles could not comprehend. Jesus himself noted that Mary possessed a unique understanding, making her the rightful heir to the Church of Christ.

Throughout Jesus' life, women played a crucial role, from his mother Mary to his sister Mary, demonstrating the essential place of women in his ministry. To deny women leadership within the Church is not only a grave error but a blasphemy against the very teachings of Christ. Jesus and his apostles sacrificed their lives to spread the Gospel, a message of equality, asserting that men and women are divine beings of light, ancient, imperishable, and everlasting.

For 300 years, Christians faced persecution and martyrdom at the hands of the Roman Empire, which viewed the empowerment of women as a threat to its societal norms that relegated women to the status of chattel. The true church of Christ recognizes women as rightful leaders, and their leadership is essential for the Church's unity and wholeness. The repression of women is a clear sign of Satan's influence, for he is the great deceiver. Embracing the divine feminine, as known in Judaism as the Shekhina, is crucial for the Church to fulfill its true purpose and to reflect the equality and divine nature bestowed upon all by Christ.

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