I Have Faith in America's Military Government

Who really controls America?

Some might say it is the Rogue CIA who agents have manipulated and controlled Presidential administrations and Congress since George Bush ordered Kennedy’s assination in 1963.

Some might say it is the Cabal of Babylon, a satanic depopulation cult made up of the world's most powerful and wealthy families who control governments and influence current events behind the scenes.

These theories are partially correct, however; the reason America remains steady in spite of this silent civil war is the Pentagon fundamentally controls the country.

This open secret is important to share at a time of high uncertainty where traitors occupy the President’s office and many other positions of power within the government.

Pentagon's leadership maintains a 25-year plan for America. These officials, men and women of valor who honor their oaths to the constitution and to God, will not let America fall to these dark forces. While the Pentagon for years has been slow on its feet to embrace the technology revolution, leadership has learned fast to adjust to the pace of innovation.

It is my fundamental belief that the Pentagon will continue to maintain a steady hand guiding the US government against all enemies foreign and domestic. This comes even as dark forces continue to attack the Department from within using political tactics. The pentagon understands it must maintain the chain of command which is why it remains apolitical to a fault. This is good policy when you understand America is under a military government. You don’t want a military government to become political at all.

The next step is for this military government to push the silent policy to encourage former operators and veterans to enter into politics. Once Congress reaches a supermajority of veterans a plan to amend the constitution and protect America from the dark forces that threaten it can go into play.

I pray for the men and women of the Department of Defense, our humble warriors, that they can remain steadfast in their faith and duties before God to uphold the Constitution of the United States and protect the republic in these troubling times ahead.

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