Reintegrating the Divine Feminine Shekhinah into the Church

The concept of Shekhinah, representing the divine feminine energy in Judaism, is pivotal in the spiritual narratives of the Twelve Tribes of Aim Yisrael. Among these tribes, the Judeans or modern Jews form only one part of the larger collective. In the prophecies of the Tribes, the reintegration of the divine feminine is essential for achieving Christ Consciousness, which parallels the Jewish concept of Moshiach (Messiah) consciousness. This is an elevated form of awareness where we the people of earth remember our unity with God and with nature. An age where we learn how to live in peace with all our relatives.

Reintroducing the divine feminine Shekhinah into the church is not merely a theological adjustment but a necessary step towards achieving a higher state of collective consciousness for both the Jewish and Christian people. By acknowledging and embracing the divine feminine, we honor the true essence of creation and move closer to realizing a harmonious and unified existence on Earth.

The Divine Feminine and Its Historical Suppression

In early Christian traditions, the divine feminine played a crucial role. In the time of Jesus, he spoke Aramaic and Hebrew - the languages of the Jewish people. Jesus, when reciting the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic, addressed both the Father and the Mother, acknowledging the duality of divine creation by both the Divine Masculine (the Father) and the Divine Feminine (the Mother). However, this balance was disrupted due to historical and political actions.

The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic Our Father who art in heaven: O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, you create all that moves in light.

Hallowed be thy name Focus your light within us — make it useful: as the rays of a beacon show the way.

Thy kingdom come Unite our “I can” to yours, so that we walk as kings and queens with every creature.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Create in me a divine cooperation — from many selves, one voice, one action.

Give us this day our daily bread Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors Forgive our hidden past, the secret shames, as we consistently forgive what others hide.

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Deceived neither by the outer nor the inner — free us to walk your path with joy.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. From you is born all ruling will, the power and life to do, the song that beautifies all from age to age it renews. Amen.

This translation is by Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D., a world-renowned scholar in spirituality, religious studies and psychology. His translation is considered the world's best.

His translation should open our minds to a fresher love and healing paradigm taught by Jesus. For example, The Lord’s prayer begins with “Our Father,” a translation of the word, “abba.” But the actual Aramaic transliteration is “Abwoon” which is a blending of “abba (father)” and “woon” (womb), Jesus’s recognition of the masculine and feminine source of creation.

The Spirit as She In Hebrew

She occurs in the Old Testament Hebrew due to the similar grammar construction to the Aramaic. Hence, Isaiah 63:14 says this when translated literally, “Like the cattle in the plain, she goes down, the Spirit of Yahweh, she gave rest to him, thus you guided your people for the glory of your name.”

And, again in Job 32:8, it says literally, “…but the Spirit, she is in humans, and the breath of Shadday, she gives understanding to them.” Job 33:4 echoes this with “Spirit of El, she made me, and the breath of Shadday, she gives life to me.” (Note the feminine gender of Shadday, or El Shaddai).

The Book of Sirach goes unnoticed by many believers today, but it has been called Ecclesiasticus (“church book”) “probably because the church used it so extensively in its liturgy,” says the Priests for Equality. Originally written in the 2nd century B.C. in Hebrew, it was rejected by the Jewish people as canon, possibly due to its later date, yet accepted by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches as canon Scripture.

Sirach amazes me still because the entire book refers to Wisdom as She. The Wisdom of Solomon and parts of Baruch do also, as well as Proverbs itself. Wisdom appears to be equivalent to the Spirit of God (see Widmalm’s article on Lady Wisdom here).

Suppression by the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church

The Roman Empire, in collaboration with the early Catholic Church, deliberately excluded the divine feminine from religious teachings. During the formation of the New Testament canon, which was based on Jesus's teachings from the Torah or Old Testament, critical texts like the Gospels of Mary were censored. Mary, the chief apostle of Jesus Christ, was silenced to suppress the equal status of women in the religious hierarchy.

This suppression was driven by the societal norms of the Roman Empire, where women were considered property, or chattel. Over three centuries, the Babylonian Empire persecuted Christians, labeling them terrorists for propagating the idea of equality between men and women, who are both created in the image of God. This historical oppression aimed to control and distort Jesus Christ's message, creating an imbalance in the spiritual forces of the universe that has persisted for over two millennia.

The Path to Christ/Moshiach Consciousness

To achieve Christ Consciousness or Moshiach consciousness, it is imperative to reintegrate the divine feminine into the church. This reintegration will restore the lost balance, allowing humanity to reconnect with both the divine and nature. It will also promote the recognition of equality among all people, aligning with the original teachings of Jesus Christ and fostering a world where peace and unity prevail.


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