Target Iran's Kharg Island oil terminal

The Kharg Island oil terminal accounts for 90 percent of Iran's oil exports. Destruction of the terminal means annihilation of Iran's economy with no money left for Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. Or stated more simply, GAME OVER.


And let Iran bleed out economically...

Kharg Island

If Kharg Island were destroyed, it would have significant consequences for Iran's oil industry and global oil markets due to its strategic importance. Here are some of the potential impacts:

1. Severe Disruption to Iran's Oil Exports

  • Kharg Island handles about 90% of Iran’s crude oil exports, so its destruction would drastically reduce Iran's ability to export oil. Iran relies heavily on Kharg for storing and loading crude oil onto tankers bound for international markets.

  • Loss of export capacity could result in a substantial decrease in government revenue, which heavily depends on oil exports for its budget.

2. Economic Impact on Iran

  • The destruction of the terminal would cripple Iran’s economy. Oil revenues are a major source of foreign currency, and without the ability to export oil effectively, the country would face significant economic strain, including inflation, devaluation of its currency, and increased domestic unrest due to financial instability.

  • Oil Revenue Contribution: Oil and gas revenues typically account for around 30-40% of Iran's total government revenue. This percentage can fluctuate due to changes in global oil prices and production volumes.

  • Iran would need to repair or rebuild the terminal, a process that could take months or even years, depending on the extent of the damage, further delaying exports and revenue recovery.

3. Global Oil Market Shock

  • Disrupting Iran’s ability to export oil would likely cause a spike in global oil prices, as the country is an important oil supplier, particularly to Asian markets (China, India, etc.). The sudden reduction in supply could increase demand pressures, especially in already tight markets.

  • Price Estimate: Historical events have shown that major disruptions can cause oil prices to spike by 10-20% or more in the short term. For instance, when tensions in the Middle East have threatened oil infrastructure in the past, prices have seen similar increases.

  • OPEC might respond by adjusting its own production quotas, but the overall instability would introduce more volatility into global energy markets.

4. Geopolitical Consequences

  • The destruction of Kharg Island could escalate tensions in the Middle East, leading to military and political fallout. Iran might retaliate or increase security measures around other vital infrastructure, affecting shipping routes like the Strait of Hormuz, a critical chokepoint for global oil supplies.

  • Such an event might draw international attention, and nations dependent on Iranian oil would likely be forced to seek alternative suppliers or pressure for diplomatic solutions.

Last updated