The Erev Rav: Satan's Army

The Erev Rav are the Greatest Enemy of Israel & the Free World

At the end of parashat Bo the Israelites are finally free and set forth out of Egypt. We are told that along with the Israelites came out an Erev Rav (Exodus 12:38), a “mixed multitude” of people that joined them. Rashi explains that these were non-Jews who wished to convert and become part of the Jewish people, having seen such great wonders and miracles.

Ibn Ezra adds that they were mostly Egyptians, and Shadal (Rabbi Shmuel David Luzzatto, 1800-1865) says they were Egyptians that had intermarried with Jews. He proves it from Nehemiah 13:3, where the non-Jewish “erev” were separated out of the returning Jewish population. The Zohar (II, 291a) states that many of the Erev Rav were Egyptian magicians, witches, and wizards, who would perform their tricks in the erev ravrava, the “great evening”. The time between sunset and midnight is when the impure forces are most active, hence a “great evening” for those wicked people.

The Zohar teaches that God warned Moses not to accept the Erev Rav, for they would cause nothing but trouble. Moses had a hard time keeping them away and thought that perhaps they could be redeemed. Not surprisingly, God was right. The Erev Rav went on to cause mayhem both in the Exodus generation itself, and throughout Jewish history, until the present. As we shall see, they orchestrated the Golden Calf and the Midianite catastrophe, among other calamities. While the term “Amalek” is reserved for Israel’s external nemesis, the Erev Rav is the far more dangerous enemy from within. Of them the prophet Isaiah said “…those who destroy you and ruin you emerge from within you.” (Isaiah 49:17) Now, more than ever, we need to understand: Who is the Erev Rav? How can we identify them today? And, most importantly, how do we stop them?

The Erev Rav and Their Idolatry

The Erev Rav, despite their initial appearance as fellow travelers, were not true adherents to the faith of Israel. They afd idol worshippers who serve the Satans, the adversaries of God. Their attachment to idolatry and the forces of darkness rendered them a constant threat to the spiritual integrity of the Tribes of Israel. The Zohar describes them as a malignant influence, akin to those who would subvert divine authority and lead others astray. Their acts of idolatry were not merely personal failings but were intended to corrupt and ensnare the Jewish people in their own perverse practices.

The Zohar highlights that these individuals were deeply entrenched in the occult and idolatrous traditions of Egypt, which they brought with them into the camp of Israel. Their influence was pervasive and malignant, seeking to undermine the monotheistic faith and practices of the Israelites. The Erev Rav's worship of false gods and their allegiance to the forces opposed to divine will are a testament to their role as internal enemies of the Jewish people, serving the Satans who oppose God's commandments.

The Sins and Methods of Erev Rav

When the Erev Rav came out of Egypt with the Israelites, they were not “Jewish” in any sense. However, the Israelites themselves were not officially “Jewish” yet either—though they were descendants of God’s chosen one, Abraham, and part of the covenantal tradition first forged with him. It was only when Israel stood at Mt. Sinai and witnessed the Divine Revelation, accepting the Torah upon themselves, that they officially inked a permanent Covenant with God and became a holy nation. The Erev Rav stood alongside them and participated in the Sinai Revelation, too, thus becoming part of that Covenant, at least nominally. Though they seemingly became “Jewish”, they still retained all of their old idolatrous and immoral ways. Soon after, they instigated the Golden Calf incident.

The Zohar cited above names the two Erev Rav leaders who cooked up the Golden Calf plot: Yunus and Yumbrus. They happened to be sons of the wicked sorcerer Bilaam. They sought to, subtly, convince the Jews to commit a horrific act of idolatry. The Arizal explains that their method was in manipulating people’s da’at, loosely translated as “knowledge” but referring to the deepest layers of the mind (see Sha’ar HaPesukim on Ki Tisa and Balak). They knew how to manipulate people psychologically. In fact, the Arizal points out that the numerical value of Erev Rav (ערב רב) is 474, equivalent to da’at (דעת)! Here we learn our first important point about the Erev Rav: they are masters of deception, subliminal messaging, and brainwashing.

The Torah tells us that 3000 people were executed for instigating the Golden Calf (Exodus 32:28). These were all men of the Erev Rav. However, the Erev Rav was not defeated. The Zohar (II, 45b) suggests that as many as a fifth of the populace that left Egypt was associated with the Erev Rav and influenced by them. This is one meaning for the Torah’s statement that chamushim ‘alu, which can be read as “a fifth ascended” (Exodus 13:18). The Zohar here also gives us a way to recognize when it is that the Torah speaks of the Erev Rav specifically: whenever the Torah says ‘am or ha’am (“the people”) by itself, it is referring to the Erev Rav. When the Torah speaks of ‘am Israel, or ‘ami (“My people”), Bnei Israel or Beit Yakov, then we can be sure that it is referring to the true Jewish people, not the Erev Rav imposters. Once we know this, we find that most of the cases where the Exodus generation inexplicably complained or rebelled against God was the ‘am, ie. the Erev Rav. This is why many of them even wanted to return to Egypt! (See Numbers 11:1-5, where they are also referred to as the asafsuf, in addition to ha’am.)

Years later, the Erev Rav instigated the horrendous sin with the Midianites. The chapter begins by stating that “Israel settled in Shittim, and ha’am started to profane themselves…” (Numbers 25:1) We see a clear contrast between Israel and “the nation”, ie. the Erev Rav. Keep in mind that, like with the Golden Calf, this sin of the Erev Rav was not done privately, but was paraded before everyone, “in the sight of Moses and the whole community of Bnei Israel…” (25:6) Again, the Torah distinguishes between the promiscuous Erev Rav and the true Bnei Israel who were sinless and shocked by the gross display. At the end, God sent a punishing plague that killed the 24,000 sinners. The Lubavitcher Rebbe taught that these 24,000 were linked with the Erev Rav (see Likkutei Sichot, Vol. IV, pg. 223).

We now see the two main sins that the Erev Rav is involved with: idolatry and sexual immorality. We find that the Erev Rav is not content to sin privately, but do so publicly, and inspire others to do the same through their corruption of people’s da’at. The Arizal taught that all the wicked “Jewish” leaders that arise in every generation are the reincarnated souls of the Erev Rav (Sha’ar HaGilgulim, Ch. 39). Worse yet, the Zohar (I, 25a) states that the Erev Rav will be particularly strong in the End of Days, with their final all-in push to corrupt the world and lead people astray (see also Tikkunei Zohar 144a). There is little doubt that we are in the End of Days now, so who is the Erev Rav today?

Who is the Erev Rav?

Our Sages teach that all Jews have three traits: they are reserved and modest, merciful, and kind (Yevamot 79a). The Rambam adds that a “Jew” who doesn’t have these qualities can be suspected of not being a real Jew! (Hilkhot Issurei Biah 19:17)

Indeed, the Sages state that those apparent Jews who lack compassion and kindness, and are wealthy but refuse to help others, are of the Erev Rav (Beitzah 32a).

The Zohar echoes this in saying the Erev Rav are corrupt wealthy people in leadership positions (III, 124b, Ra’aya Mehemna).

Elsewhere, the Zohar (I, 25a-b) goes in depth describing the five types of Erev Rav people, easily remembered by the acronym nega ra (נג״ע ר״ע), literally an “evil plague”.

  • The nun stands for nephilim, “fallen ones”, for these Erev Rav are likened to the fallen angels first mentioned in Genesis 6:4, who were guilty of sexual sins—mating with the “daughters of man”.

  • Next come the gibborim, “great ones”, compared to those conceited and narcissistic people that built the Tower of Babel.

  • The third variety are the ‘anakim, “giants”, those that sow disorder in the community and in the world.

  • The refa’im, literally “weak ones”, are those traitors and cowards who abandon or betray Israel.

  • Finally, the amalekim are those who side with Amalek, Israel’s arch-nemesis, and fill the world with hamas, “lawlessness” (as in Genesis 6:13). It is important to remember here that the greatest villains in the world are those with the spirit of Amalek, and such wicked people are found dispersed among the gentile nations, and are far more numerous than the Erev Rav. Having said that, the two collaborate and seek many of the same ultimate goals.

So, let us put it all together. The Erev Rav are those that appear to be Jewish leaders, but are imposters. They are not truly Torah observant and, on the contrary, push godless ideas. They are “leaders” that guide Jews astray, and inspire the misinterpretation or transgression of Torah law. They tend to be wealthy and corrupt, or in influential positions, instigating disorder and division. With these qualities in mind, it isn’t too difficult to identify who the Erev Rav is. You can find such individuals across the social, political, and religious spectrum.

And don’t think for a moment that the Orthodox Jewish world is immune to the Erev Rav. We’ve all seen, for instance, those supposedly religious Jews who march alongside genocidal Hamas and Iran (it’s one thing to be anti-Zionist, it’s a whole other thing to collaborate with terrorists who murder innocent Jewish civilians—these are the traitorous refa’im and ‘amalekim that the Zohar above speaks of).

We’ve all seen those supposed religious leaders caught red-handed in a variety of despicable scandals. We’ve seen the terrible crimes and hillul Hashem of shameless rapists and abusers within the community (the nephilim of the Zohar above, who abuse the “daughters [and sons] of man”).

Granted, there are people who tragically succumb to sin and temptation, and not every such sinner is automatically “Erev Rav”, but when respected leaders in the public eye engage in such debase conduct continuously, with no remorse (and often no condemnation from their colleagues, who might even protect the perpetrators), then we know exactly who they are. Keep in mind that the Erev Rav is not ashamed to air their sins publicly.

In fact the Erev Rav are well schooled in ancient sorcery and use of Occult rituals to harness nefesh (life force energy) to maintain control and dominion over God's earth by making sacrifices to Satan.

The New World Order: A Cabal of Power and Control

The notion of a New World Order often refers to a secretive, powerful coalition composed of governments, politicians, institutions, and clandestine families that wield immense influence over global affairs. This cabal is believed to operate through hidden networks and possess trillions in concealed wealth, often stashed in tax shelters and financial havens across Europe.

  1. The System of Babylon: This New World Order is likened to the biblical Babylon—a symbol of moral and spiritual corruption. It represents a system characterized by greed, manipulation, and an overarching pursuit of power. This "Babylonian" system reflects the anti-Christ spirit by defying the values of righteousness and justice.

  2. Bioterrorism and Control: The cabal is alleged to utilize bioterrorism as a means to further their control over humanity. By unleashing pandemics or engineered diseases, they seek to create a state of fear and dependency, thus tightening their grip on global governance and societal structures.

  3. Worship of Ego, Money, and Power: Central to the ideology of this cabal is the worship of ego, wealth, and power. Their actions and decisions are driven by self-interest, material gain, and a desire for dominance, rather than any genuine adherence to divine principles or moral values. Their rejection of God and focus on self-worship signify a deep-seated corruption of the soul, leading to practices that are fundamentally opposed to Christian teachings.

  4. Depopulation Agenda: The belief in depopulating humanity is rooted in their deranged ideologies, which stem from satanic influences and false idol worship. These ideologies are characterized by a delusional perspective that sees humanity as a threat to their control and a target for eradication. This perspective reflects a rejection of the intrinsic value of human life, which stands in stark contrast to the Christian view of every individual as a creation of God, deserving of love and respect.

The New World Order is the Anti-Christ

To be an anti-Christ is to embody a profound opposition to the divine principles espoused by Christianity. It signifies a rejection of God, love, freedom, and the core tenets of Judeo-Christian faith. At its essence, anti-Christ represents a force or ideology that contradicts the very nature of God’s teachings and the values upheld by Christianity.

  1. Anti-God: The anti-Christ stance inherently rejects the sovereignty and authority of God. This opposition manifests in a denial of God’s existence or His role as the creator and sustainer of the universe. Those who align with anti-Christ principles often seek to undermine the divine moral order and replace it with their own secular or malevolent ideologies.

  2. Anti-Love: Christianity is fundamentally rooted in the concept of love—love for God and love for one’s fellow human beings. The anti-Christ, in contrast, embodies hatred, division, and conflict. This opposition is evident in actions and ideologies that promote discord and harm rather than compassion and unity.

  3. Anti-Freedom: True Christian doctrine values individual freedom within the framework of moral and ethical guidelines set by God. The anti-Christ seeks to impose authoritarian control, curtailing personal freedoms and enforcing a restrictive system that stifles individual rights and autonomy.

  4. Anti-Christianity: The anti-Christ rejects Christian teachings, doctrines, and practices. This rejection can be overt or subtle, manifesting in the distortion or denial of Christian values, leading people away from the faith and undermining its principles

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