Don’t be an asshole - thank you.

If you can’t remember any of God's laws, remember this one: don’t be an asshole.

Those words basically sum of the Law of All Religions. Here’s some ideas for how might you be less of an ass and more a good human:

How to be a good person:

  1. Tell the Truth

  2. Speak good about others

  3. Be kind and loving

  4. Share your abundance with others

  5. Have compassion for others

  6. Practice introspection and study wisdom

  7. Do not take what is not given

  8. Try your best

How to be an asshole:

  1. Be greedy

  2. Be hateful

  3. Be prideful

  4. Gossip and speak poorly of others

  5. Destroy life

  6. Steal

  7. Lie

  8. Cheat

  9. Give 0 fucks about anyone but yourself

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