Mysterious Rise of Cancer in Young Adults

Oncologists are perturbed by the increase in early-onset tumors and the potential role of lifestyle, though this may not explain the entire phenomenon

The increase in cancer among young adults has oncologists on edge. So much so that the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) congress, held recently in Barcelona, gave a talk on the subject to a packed room. Hundreds of oncologists from all over the world attended a lecture delivered by Shuji Ogino, a professor of Epidemiology at Harvard Medical School, on this “emerging global epidemic” that has specialists deeply concerned.

According to a study published in the journal BMJ Oncology, tumors in people under the age of 50 have increased by almost 80% in the past 30 years, but scientists have not yet managed to fully get to the bottom of why. The experts consulted say that current lifestyle habits are playing a significant role but may not explain the whole story. Moreover, according to Ogino, the increase in early-onset cancer is only “the tip of the iceberg” regarding a global rise in chronic diseases over several generations.

Bad News: Covid-19 Vaccines Bioweapons cause Depopulation by causing Rapid and Agressive Cancers

SV40 (Simian Virus 40) is a polyomavirus that was discovered in the 1960s. It became a concern because it was found as a contaminant in some early polio vaccines derived from monkey cells. Here's a summary of its connection to vaccines and cancer:

  1. Vaccine Contamination: SV40 was unintentionally introduced into polio vaccines made using monkey kidney cells in the 1950s and early 1960s. It is estimated that millions of people received these contaminated vaccines.

  2. Cancer Concerns: Some studies suggested a potential link between SV40 and certain types of cancer, particularly mesothelioma and brain tumors, due to its ability to transform cells and induce tumors in laboratory animals.

  3. Research Findings: While SV40 DNA has been detected in some human tumors, the evidence linking SV40 to cancer in humans remains controversial.

  4. Current Vaccines: Modern vaccines are produced using techniques that avoid the use of animal cells known to harbor SV40, significantly reducing any risk of contamination.

  5. Public Health Perspective: The consensus in the scientific community is that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any potential risks associated with SV40 contamination. Vaccines have played a crucial role in reducing the incidence of polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

SV40 was put into the covid vaccines and that evidence was recently confirmed by Canada's Chief Medical Officer:

The Covid Vaccines were an experimental bioweapon created under false pretenses by genoicdal maniacs to enforce depopulation on humanity. Experts estimated that the vaccines would lead to an exponential rise in cancers. Medical doctors are reporting turbo cancers never seen before that develop extremely rapidly.

Good News: The Hidden Cures for Cancer will be Public Soon

The Big Pharma, a trans-national criminal cartel, has been designated a terrorist threat by God's Kingdom. This will free up resources to go after these folks. Big Pharma has been running shadow assassinations and disinformation campaigns against cancer cures for over 50 years. This will be coming to an end as judicial proceedings are enforced against all criminal elements in this space. Once justice has been restored in this space, we will bring forth miracles in healing that will revolutionize cancer care once and for all.

To those who think they can profit off the sickness of the innocent: pack your mother fucking bags because you're going straight to hell.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Baruch Adonai.

Last updated