Radical Islam Treats Women as Slaves

Satan is often described as the adversary of God, a being whose primary purpose is to deceive and distort the truth. As the "father of lies," Satan thrives where there is a lack of truth, justice, and love. Throughout history, we have seen how lies can be weaponized to oppress, control, and enslave, and nowhere is this clearer than in the treatment of women under radical ideologies, such as radical Islam, which distorts faith into a tool for tyranny.

Radical Islam dehumanizes women, treating them as little more than property and robbing them of their God-given rights. In this system, women are subjected to control, stripped of their autonomy, and subjugated to the will of men as though they were less than human. This is not the will of God, but the manifestation of satanic deception. For millennia, such treatment was widespread, as many societies across the globe fell prey to the same satanic lie that men are superior to women.

However, the truth has always existed, even in times of darkness. The Word of God teaches that all human beings are created in His image—both men and women—each endowed with equal dignity, value, and worth. God's truth, revealed through divine teachings and human conscience, declares that women are not slaves, nor property, but co-heirs to the kingdom of God.

In much of the world today, societies have begun to wake up to this truth, acknowledging the equality of men and women. The truth sets us free, and with it comes the realization that both genders are children of God, with equal rights and responsibilities. However, in radical satanic Islam, this truth is rejected, and the lie continues to perpetuate. Women are forced to endure unspeakable suffering under laws and practices that reflect not the teachings of any merciful creator, but the will of the deceiver.

This systematic oppression contributes to the power of evil in the world, not only because it enslaves women but because it undermines the natural order of love and respect between all human beings. The satanic deception within these ideologies seeks to destroy the harmony of creation by dehumanizing half of humanity, turning them into objects of control, manipulation, and suffering.

Radical Islam's treatment of women is a blight on humanity, and it serves as a reminder that wherever there is deception, wherever there is oppression, Satan’s presence is there. It is up to all of us to uphold the truth—that men and women are equal in the eyes of the Creator—and to fight against the forces that seek to undermine this truth, ensuring that women everywhere enjoy the same rights, dignity, and freedom that God has intended for all His children.

Please take some time to listen to the testimony of these women who serve as a voice for the voiceless who are forced to live under this satanic ideology. They must be freed from this oppression.

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