Foster Family Network

Proposal for a Church-Funded Foster Care Network

Executive Summary

This proposal outlines the establishment of a church-funded foster care network aimed at addressing the critical needs of children in the foster care system. Leveraging the resources, community engagement, and moral commitment of churches, this network will provide safe, loving, and stable environments for foster children. The initiative seeks to enhance the overall well-being of these children by integrating faith-based support systems and community resources.


The foster care system in the United States faces numerous challenges, including a shortage of foster homes, high rates of abuse and neglect, and inadequate support for foster parents. Churches, with their extensive networks and commitment to serving vulnerable populations, are uniquely positioned to contribute to solving these issues. By harnessing the power of faith communities, this proposal aims to create a sustainable and effective foster care network.


  1. Increase the Number of Foster Homes: Recruit and train church members to become foster parents, increasing the availability of safe and nurturing homes.

  2. Provide Holistic Support: Offer emotional, spiritual, and practical support to foster children and families through church resources and volunteer networks.

  3. Ensure Stability and Continuity: Reduce the frequency of placement changes and provide consistent care and support for foster children.

  4. Promote Advocacy and Awareness: Raise awareness about the needs of foster children and advocate for policies that support foster care reform.

Implementation Plan

  1. Partnership Development

    • Collaborate with local child welfare agencies to understand the needs and regulatory requirements.

    • Establish partnerships with other faith-based organizations and non-profits to pool resources and expertise.

  2. Recruitment and Training

    • Launch a targeted recruitment campaign within church congregations to identify potential foster parents.

    • Develop comprehensive training programs that include trauma-informed care, parenting skills, and legal requirements.

    • Provide ongoing support and mentorship for foster parents.

  3. Support Services

    • Create support groups for foster parents facilitated by experienced mentors.

    • Offer counseling services for foster children and parents through church-based counseling centers.

    • Organize community activities and events to foster a sense of belonging and community for foster children.

  4. Funding and Resources

    • Establish a dedicated fund within the church for foster care initiatives, supported by donations and fundraising activities.

    • Seek grants from government and private foundations to supplement church funding.

    • Utilize church facilities for training sessions, support group meetings, and community events.

  5. Monitoring and Evaluation

    • Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the foster care network.

    • Collect and analyze data on placement stability, child well-being, and foster parent satisfaction.

    • Continuously improve the program based on feedback and outcomes.

Expected Outcomes

  • An increase in the number of licensed foster homes within church communities.

  • Improved well-being and stability for foster children through consistent and loving care.

  • Enhanced support for foster parents, leading to higher retention rates.

  • Greater community awareness and involvement in foster care issues.


By establishing a church-funded foster care network, we can address the urgent needs of foster children and provide them with the stability and support they deserve. This initiative leverages the strengths of faith communities to create a nurturing environment that promotes the well-being of vulnerable children. With a collective effort, we can make a significant difference in the lives of foster children and their families.

Last updated