One Israel Plan: A One-State Solution for Peace

A 20-Year De-Radicalization Process Integrating Gazans and West Bank Citizens into Greater Israel


The ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories has been one of the most protracted and challenging geopolitical issues of the modern era. The "One Israel Plan" proposes a bold and inclusive one-state solution, integrating the citizens of Gaza and the West Bank into the State of Israel. This plan aims to unify the region under a single political framework, ensuring equal rights, security, and opportunities for all residents while addressing the roots of radicalization and promoting coexistence.


The One Israel Plan envisions a single, democratic state where Jews, Arabs, and all ethnic and religious groups coexist with equal rights and responsibilities. This unified state aims to transcend historical conflicts, fostering a society based on shared values, mutual respect, and the rule of law.


  1. Integration: To integrate the residents of Gaza and the West Bank into the State of Israel as full citizens over a 20-year period, providing them with equal rights and responsibilities.

  2. De-Radicalization: To eliminate radical ideologies and promote moderate values through comprehensive education and community engagement programs.

  3. Security and Stability: To ensure national security by enforcing laws against terrorism and extremism, while creating a safe environment for all citizens.

  4. Cultural and Religious Harmony: To foster understanding and respect among diverse religious and ethnic groups, promoting a culture of tolerance and coexistence.

Key Components of the Plan

  1. Pathway to Citizenship

    • Eligibility: All residents of Gaza and the West Bank will be eligible for Israeli citizenship, starting with conditional residency leading to full citizenship.

    • Conditions: Applicants must participate in the de-radicalization programs and demonstrate a commitment to peaceful coexistence and the rule of law.

  2. De-Radicalization and Education

    • Curriculum Reform: Introduce a new, inclusive curriculum across all schools, focusing on critical thinking, history, civic education, and the values of tolerance and coexistence.

    • Community Programs: Implement programs to encourage dialogue and interaction among different communities, including cultural exchange initiatives and joint community projects.

  3. Oversight of Religious Institutions

    • Imam Registration and Oversight: All religious leaders, including Imams, will be required to register with an oversight committee responsible for ensuring that teachings promote peace and tolerance.

    • Mosque and Religious Site Inspections: Regular inspections will be conducted to prevent the spread of extremist ideologies and to promote moderate religious teachings.

  4. Security Measures

    • Legal Framework: Establish a robust legal framework to combat terrorism and hate speech, ensuring that all citizens are protected from violence and extremism.

    • Law Enforcement: Strengthen law enforcement agencies to monitor and prevent extremist activities, ensuring the safety and security of all residents.

  5. Economic and Social Integration

    • Economic Development: Invest in infrastructure, education, and economic development projects in Gaza and the West Bank, promoting prosperity and reducing economic disparities.

    • Social Services: Ensure equal access to healthcare, education, and social services for all residents, promoting social cohesion and equality.

Implementation Phases

  1. Initial Setup and Coordination (Years 1-2)

    • Establish oversight committees and registration systems for religious leaders.

    • Begin curriculum reform and initial community engagement programs.

    • Provide conditional residency status to eligible residents.

  2. Pilot Programs and Gradual Integration (Years 3-5)

    • Launch pilot programs for education and community integration.

    • Begin inspections of religious sites and registration of Imams.

    • Start granting full citizenship to participants who meet the criteria.

  3. Expansion and Monitoring (Years 6-10)

    • Expand educational and de-radicalization programs across all areas.

    • Continue to monitor and support integration initiatives.

    • Gradually increase the number of residents gaining full citizenship.

  4. Full Integration and Sustained Stability (Years 11-20)

    • Achieve full integration of Gaza and West Bank residents as Israeli citizens.

    • Maintain ongoing oversight and support to prevent extremism and promote unity.

    • Establish permanent institutions to support the continued development of a unified state.


The One Israel Plan offers a comprehensive one-state solution that addresses the root causes of conflict and division in the region. By providing a clear pathway to citizenship, reforming education, and promoting security and tolerance, this plan aims to create a unified, peaceful, and prosperous state. This solution envisions a future where all residents, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, can live together in harmony and contribute to the collective well-being of the nation. The successful implementation of this plan will require cooperation from all stakeholders, including the international community, to support this transformative vision for lasting peace and integration.

Last updated