The Second Coming

July 30, 2024

Understanding Reincarnation and the Second Coming

Reincarnation, the cycle through which a soul returns to the physical world in different forms, plays a critical role in understanding the concept of Moshiach ben David.

According to spiritual teachings, Moshiach ben David is the reincarnation of Moshiach ben Yosef, who was Yeshua ben Yosef—known as Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus the Christ. This understanding bridges the historical figure of Jesus with the messianic expectations of Judaism and Christianity.

Yeshua said you will know the times when you see the signs of the end of the age, for it is then that I will return. For those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, it is clear we have entered the end of time.

The concept of the Second Coming refers to the return of Yeshua to complete his original mission: spreading the true teachings of Torah and unifying the Lost Tribes of Israel. This idea is not merely a return but an elevation of humanity’s collective consciousness.

By explaining the scientific process of reincarnation and the soul’s journey, Moshiach will clarify how this spiritual continuity aligns with the prophecy of the Second Coming and the role of Moshiach ben David in guiding this transformative process.

Expectations of the Second Coming

The Second Coming involves guiding humanity toward a higher consciousness and establishing God’s Kingdom on Earth amidst the battle between light and darkness.

Moshiach will return to build God's Kingdom and complete the prayer "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Moshiach will serve as a guide for the human family through this process of elevating collective consciousness to Christ or Moshiach Consciousness.

Because all of life is interconnected and we all have access to divinity within ourselves, all of us can achieve Christ Consciousness. A person can achieve Christ Consciousness without religion or a spiritual belief system. The only requirement is a desire to know God, love God with all thy heart, and be of service to God and all of God's children.

At this level of awareness, Moshiach will lead true believes to build God's Kingdom on Earth. Right now, we are encountering lots of friction because the forces of light and darkness are out of balance. One can see that with the influence of Satan in the world. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, know in their hearts that we are in the end of times.

The True Church of Christ

Moshiach will addresses the loss of true healing and spiritual knowledge that has been overshadowed by dark forces. Neither the New Testament nor the Old Testament contains teachings on healing with plant medicines. That is because Satan's deceptions have touched both the Tanakh and the New Testament.

Leadership is not only about guiding spiritual renewal but also about practical actions to heal and uplift humanity. The True Church of Christ will be a unifying force for repairing the world. It will not be confined to traditional structures but embraces a broader, inclusive vision of spiritual unity and healing. Moshiach ben David will lead this movement, integrating ancient prophecies with modern needs and aspirations.

We the People will be responsible to co-create God's Kingdom by uniting the Church and all of its flock. Moshiach will help us heal from is the virus of greed, ego, and hate that threatens all of life. The missing component to restoring the Church as well as restoring the teachings of Christ including the teaching of reincarnation, have been censored by agents of Satan over the past 2000 years. Moshiach will offer us love and a path of healing and peace.

Expectations of Moshiach ben David

The role of Moshiach requires the fulfillment of various tasks:

  • Gathering the Lost Tribes of Israel: One of the key requirements of Moshiach ben David is the gathering of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Heal Earth has established contacts among the 10 Lost Tribes throughout Earth. Many of these Lost Tribes are members of the Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem, which opened in 2024.

  • Rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash (Third Temple): Another significant aspect is the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash which holds significance for Aim Yisrael.

  • Creating Conditions for World Peace: World peace reflects a state of consciousness rather than mere political or social arrangements. World peace is an inner process. When we all have inner peace, then we will have world peace. Moshiach will provide tools and ceremonies with sacred medicine plants to facilitate our remembering that we are children of God and children of the universe. These practices are intended to inspire global leaders and the people to embrace our divine heritage and work towards unity and harmony.

I Am That I am

Moshiach Ben David, the awaited redeemer, will be rooted in a deep understanding of spiritual evolution, reincarnation, and the broader cosmic purpose that transcends conventional religious interpretations.

Moshiach Ben David will pray that we choose to co-create a world based on love, kindness, compassion, grace, charity, and hope. A world where we pass on clean air, clean water, and healthy soil to our kids. A world where the principles of truth and justice are embedded into the fabric of life and government. A world where we serve God with all of our gifts and talents.

Let us Pray

Thy Kingdom Come,

Thy Will Be Done,

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Last updated