Embracing Indigenous Wisdom

Wisdom is essential for the survival of humanity. Indigenous Peoples have taken care of the planet for thousands of years, and it is time to embed their philosophies into our daily lives, be it in urban or rural settings. Indigenous Peoples make up less than 5 percent of the global population, yet they inhabit 80 percent of the most biodiverse regions.

They have long practiced land management and conservation methods that scientists now say are crucial for tackling the climate crisis and enriching biodiversity. Nature’s own systems offer the greatest climate solutions and when coupled with Indigenous ways of preserving ecosystems like forests, wetlands or savannas, can greatly contribute to making a better world for the children of today and tomorrow.

Native peoples' connection with nature is the most important point of traditional knowledge. Furthermore, Native Psychedelic Healing is creating a culture shift in a western world besieged by a mental health epidemic. Countless veterans and individuals ill served by the Western medical model travel to the tribes for psychedelic healing. There is much to be learned from the wisdom of the native peoples.

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