How do we come closer to God?

My dear brothers and sisters,

We stand at a moment in history when the world is in desperate need of light—of hope, of purpose, and of connection to something greater than ourselves. We, the Jewish people, are the carriers of a sacred legacy. A covenant made long ago, between our ancestors and the Creator of the Universe, a promise that we would be a light unto the nations. But in order to shine that light, we must first strengthen the flame of our own souls, and this can only be done through a deeper connection with God.

In a world full of distractions, material pursuits, and endless noise, it is easy to drift away from our source, from the One who gives us life and breath. But we are called to remember who we are. Am Yisrael—a people chosen not for privilege, but for responsibility. We have a unique mission, to live lives that reflect God’s will, lives that bring holiness into the everyday, into the mundane, into every action we take.

How do we come closer to God?

We return to the Torah. It is not a set of laws, but a guide for life, given to us out of love. Each mitzvah (commandment) we perform is an opportunity to connect with the Divine. Lighting the Shabbat candles is not just a tradition, it is a moment to invite God’s peace into our homes. Keeping kosher is not simply a diet, it is a reminder that even the act of eating can be sacred. Every prayer we recite is not just words, but a conversation with our Creator, a chance to pour out our hearts, our fears, our hopes, and our gratitude.

We come closer to God through each other. Our connection with God is mirrored in how we treat one another—with kindness, with compassion, and with unity. In a time where division seems to dominate the world, let us be the ones who bring people together. Let us remember that every Jew is a brother, every Jew is a sister, and when we stand together in love, we build a home for the Divine presence among us.

We come closer to God by remembering our purpose. We are here to elevate the world, to be a beacon of justice, of charity, of righteousness. The Talmud tells us that "one who saves a single life, saves an entire world." Each act of kindness we perform, each time we help another person, we not only fulfill our purpose but we draw God’s presence into the world.

And so, my friends, my family, let us heed the call to come closer to God. **Not just in grand gestures, but in the everyday moments—**when we rise in the morning, when we teach our children, when we go about our work, and when we lay down at night. Let every moment be infused with intention, with holiness, with the awareness that God is with us, guiding us, and waiting for us to reach out to Him.

The times may be difficult, but this is precisely when we must return to our roots, to the source of our strength. The prophets called upon our ancestors to "return to Me, and I will return to you," says the Lord. That call is for us today. God is waiting for us to take even a small step toward Him, and in return, He will open His arms wide, welcoming us with love and blessings.

Let us recommit ourselves to this journey, to grow in our connection with the Almighty, to live lives that reflect His light, and to be the people that He knows we can be. Together, we will build a stronger, more vibrant future, a future rooted in faith, in love, and in our everlasting bond with God.

Am Yisrael chai! The people of Israel live—and we live through our connection to the Eternal One.

Thank you.

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