The Coup of 1963

The assassination of JFK was part of a full scale Coup d’état, the violent take of over of our government by a group of criminals. I have not the slightest doubt in my mind that JFK’s assassination was the work of a network of criminals embedded within the political system and power structure of the United States.

Key among the players in the Coup of ’63 were LBJ; Allen Dulles and the CIA; J Edgar Hoover and the FBI; right wing Texas oil executives including Clint Murchison Sr., H.L. Hunt and D.H. Byrd; the East Coast business establishment centered around Rockefeller interests and the Council on Foreign Relations; Curtis Le May (chairman of the joint chief of staff), other right wing leaders of the military and elements of military intelligence; and the Bush family (both Prescott and George H. W. Bush).

In 1961, President Eisenhower in his farewell address warned against “the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought of unsought, by the military industrial complex”. Eisenhower continued, “The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Perhaps, Eisenhower may have more accurately have described this threat as the military – intelligence complex as the CIA had been operating free from proper oversight since its founding in 1947. Acting under the cover of protecting the world from communism, powerful interests found American imperialism to be enormously profitable, and the secrecy within the CIA provided the perfect environment for criminal elements to prosper.

JFK was aware of these forces, and he chose to fight against them. JFK and his brother RFK took on a host of entrenched corrupt interests: the CIA, big business, the mafia, and the corrupt Texas interests surrounding LBJ. A huge swath of the American power structure was at risk of being displaced and even ending up in jail by the crusades of the Kennedy brothers.

LBJ was incredibly corrupt. He even had his own personal hit man, Mac Wallace, who had been killing people for a decade to keep LBJ’s crimes from being exposed. With RFK as attorney general, J Edgar Hoover of the FBI could no longer protect the mob. Top mafia chieftains including Carlos Marcello and Salvatore Trafficante risked trading their sweet mafia kingpin lifestyle for a life behind bars due to RFK’s crusade against the mafia. The CIA was out of control, and JFK had vowed to smash the CIA to 1000 pieces. Right wing cold warrior generals in charge on the US military were just itching for a (possibly nuclear) war with the Soviet Union, and JFK’s calls for peace were viewed as being treason among the right wing set. Leaders of giant companies used to having a compliant government do their bidding found that JFK actually looked out for the interests of the little guy. Add on to this, the Kennedys’ support for the civil rights movement gaining strength in the South, and a huge array of powerful entrenched, entitled interests was in position to be mobilized to resist change.

By the time JFK's motorcade rolled through Dallas in 1963, little had been left to chance. As Chauncy Holt said, “There were more mercenaries in Dealey Plaza that day than at a Soldier of Fortune convention”. The success of the coup depended not upon the ability of the shooters to escape undetected, but upon the certitude that the cabal behind the assassination could control the investigation and the story reported in the media.

JFK had no idea how little chance he had of making it through Dealey Plaza alive. The Dallas police protection of the motorcade route ended right at the start of Dealey Plaza. In fact, one of the shooters was probably a Dallas police officer. The secret service protection surrounding JFK was removed. In my estimate, 6 shooters awaited from a variety of vantage points. The secret service agent driving JFK’s car brought the car to a complete stop, and a barrage of shots from all directions converged on JFK. After confirming that JFK had been killed, JFK’s driver put the car in motion and continued driving.

The Coup of ’63 did not end with the killing of JFK. The shooting part of the assassination was relatively small compared to the cover up. The planning for the cover up was built into fabric of the plot. Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as the patsy. Oswald did not fire a shot in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA contract agent who had been sent into Russia as a fake defector. He then returned to the US and used his time in Russia as an entry into the left wing pro-Castro movement. Lee Harvey Oswald is a fairly minor character in the Coup of ’63, but through him, a multi-layered counter-intelligence plot can be seen.

The Cover Up

Elaborate plans for the cover up of JFK’s assassination went into action after his killing. JFK’s body was secretly rushed to Washington, DC aboard Air Force 2 while an empty casket sat in the hold of Air Force 1 and LBJ countermanded secret service advice and stalled taking off by demanding to be sworn in on the tarmac in Dallas. JFK’s body was then worked on in pre-autopsy surgery to reconstruct his skull and hide the nature of his wounds. The autopsy itself was conducted at Bethesda Naval hospital outside of Washington, DC under control of the top military brass. The clearest evidence of the military involvement in the coup can be seen in handling of the autopsy.

The lead agency in the cover up was the FBI. The FBI was pushing the “Oswald did it”, “case closed” party line within 2 hours of JFK’s death. The entire FBI investigation was aimed at convicting Oswald and ignoring or destroying any evidence that pointed in another direction. Witness intimidation was frequently employed for anyone who had testimony that contradicted what the FBI wanted to hear.

The Warren Commission Sham

When despite the most earnest pronouncements of J. Edgar Hoover, the public still was skeptical of the official version of who killed JFK; LBJ put together the Warren Commission. The Warren Commission was made up of some of the most eminent men in the country including Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren. The Warren Commission was designed to approve the already firm FBI conclusions, and with a bit of extra process, it did exactly that. JFK’s bitter enemy and Coup leader Allen Dulles was the most active member of the Warren Commission. Key other commission members active in the cover-up were Council on Foreign Relations Chairman John McCloy, Gerald Ford and Earl Warren himself. Commission member Senator Richard Russell was a man of great integrity, and despite his being LBJ’s mentor in the Senate, he insisted on issuing a dissenting report. However, Senator Russell’s report was suppressed and only surfaced decades later in his private papers.

The Warren Commission had no investigative resources of its own, and it relied completely upon FBI investigators. The Warren Commission did interview witnesses, but it cherry picked the witnesses to obtain testimony that favored its preordained conclusions. Warren Commission staff attorneys steered witnesses away from relevant insights and also falsified testimony in order to cover up inconvenient facts that happened to poke through.

Any questioning of the Warren Commission involved impugning the honor of their CFR colleagues who ran the Warren Commission, and any serious investigation of the JFK assassination would have risked accusing their fraternity brothers of treason. The secrets of JFK’s assassination were so close to home that ignorance and denial were safer than the truth.

Now some reporters weren’t part of this club, and doggedly tried to find the truth. Reporters who could not be controlled were murdered by the criminals running the government.Over the years, certainly 50 and more likely more than 100 people have been killed to preserve the secrets of the Coup of ’63. Many witnesses, reporters, people who knew too much, plot members at risk of being exposed, overzealous law enforcement officials have all been killed. Some of these deaths were clearly violent. Many were made to look like something else.

Anyone who was a threat to the exposure of the cabal that took over the government had to be neutralized. In order to do this, the Cabal behind the Coup of ’63 built a mechanism of domestic death squads, and also the mechanism to cover up these crimes.

The Rise of the Bush CIA Cabal

The criminals who took over the government had an incredible fear of being exposed. If exposed, they would be hung for treason. Fear of exposure bound the network behind the Coup of ’63 into an incredibly powerful political force which has dominated the American federal political system for the last 50 years.

The assassination continues to be an important event that every American should take the time to understand because the powerful forces that seized control of our government 50 years ago have not let go. As I studied the Coup of '63, I began to perceive this Cabal behind JFK's assassination, and I as I have studied their actions, I have understood their desperate need to control the American political system. If the Cabal were ever to lose control of the American political system, they risk exposure for a litany of crimes which continue to this present day.

6 years ago, I started studying the JFK assassination out of curiosity. But as I came to understand the Coup of '63, and I was able to perceive the Cabal behind the Coup as an incredible political force, I began to study a series of events. Many of these events were also "conspiracies" dismissed as crazy by the mainstream media, and I saw that these conspiracies were the work of this same network of people. And what I have been doing for the last several years has been tracking the work of this evolving cabal through time.

In order to escape justice for their heinous crimes, the Cabal needed to build a number of capabilities for themselves. The Cabal needed to be able to kill with impunity anyone who threatened to expose them. They needed to be able to control the press, and they need to control the presidency, federal law enforcement agencies, and the intelligence community. Operating under the secret cover of “national security” from within intelligence agencies (CIA, ONI, military intelligence, etc.), the Cabal has been able to systematically destroy threats to itself.

With control of the FBI, justice department, DEA, ATF, etc., the Cabal has been able to insure that no serious investigation of its crimes would take place. And massive, highly successful programs to control the press, like the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, have insured that the mainstream media would systematically ignore and dismiss all claims of high level government corruption.

With the control of law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the press, the Cabal built itself the perfect machine for committing crimes and getting away with them. And with these capabilities, the Cabal has run amok for the last 50 years.

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