Prophecy Says the UN will Turn on Israel

The Torah and rabbinic literature contain prophecies about the "Erev Rav" (the mixed multitude) that left Egypt with the Israelites during the Exodus. According to various mystical and traditional interpretations, the Erev Rav represents a group within or alongside Israel that opposes the divine mission of the Jewish people and serves as a source of spiritual confusion and corruption. In the end times, many rabbis and commentators have suggested that the Erev Rav will rise to positions of power, forming alliances or systems of global governance that will stand in opposition to Israel and its messianic destiny.

The concept of the Erev Rav as a force that seeks to undermine Israel's divine purpose is often connected with broader eschatological visions, where a coalition of nations or powers will attempt to oppose the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. In this interpretation, the global government or institutions that align against Israel in the end of days would represent a modern manifestation of the Erev Rav. This group is seen not only as physical opposition but also as ideological or spiritual opposition, working to distance the world from divine truth and Torah values.

The United Nations, which was originally formed to promote peace and cooperation among nations, is often viewed through this lens by some interpreters of Jewish prophecy. They point to the increasing bias and disproportionate criticism directed at Israel in international forums, especially within the UN, as evidence of this prophetic opposition. Critics argue that the UN has frequently condemned Israel while turning a blind eye to far greater atrocities and human rights violations elsewhere. For example, the rise of pro-Hamas sympathies in certain international circles, even when Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization by many countries for its violent tactics against civilians, is seen as an alarming development that aligns with these prophetic warnings.

The recent events and debates around Hamas in global politics, where some nations and organizations appear to defend or legitimize its actions, are seen by some as part of this larger, prophetic trend. This trend, they argue, is a precursor to the final battle between good and evil, where a corrupt global order (influenced by the Erev Rav) will attempt to suppress Israel's spiritual mission and destiny.

The endorsement of forces that align with or excuse the actions of terrorist organizations like Hamas could be seen as part of this "satanic" opposition—a moral inversion where evil is defended and good is attacked. For some, this aligns with the apocalyptic vision of the end times, where truth is obscured, and the nations gather against Israel. The belief is that, just as the Erev Rav once undermined Israel from within, modern global powers might do so in the international arena, setting the stage for the ultimate redemption and the coming of Moshiach.

In the end, according to Jewish prophecy, Israel will prevail through divine intervention, and the falsehoods of the Erev Rav will be revealed and defeated, leading to the establishment of a kingdom of peace, justice, and the recognition of God's sovereignty over the world.

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