Why Jews Don't Consider Jesus Messiah Yet

According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah is expected to fulfill specific prophecies that include restoring the Kingdom of Israel, gathering all Jews back to the land of Israel, rebuilding the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and ushering in an era of universal peace and knowledge of God (Isaiah 2:4, Ezekiel 37:26-28). Jews believe that Jesus did not fulfill these prophecies during his lifetime and they are correct.

However; most Jews maintain a limited understanding of their own prophicies. In Jewish prophecy, there are two distinct messianic figures: Moshiach ben Yosef and Moshiach ben David. Kabbalistic and mystical interpretations suggest that these figures might ultimately represent different aspects of the same person or that their roles are interconnected in a transformative process.

Moshiach Ben Yosef is associated with the figure of Joseph from the Hebrew Bible, who was known for his leadership and ability to provide sustenance during a time of famine. Moshiach ben Yosef is seen as a precursor to Moshiach ben David. He is expected to prepare the way for the ultimate redeemer by leading Israel, fighting against the enemies of the Jewish people, and contributing to the rebuilding of the Jewish state. According to certain traditions, Moshiach ben Yosef must die or be mortally wounded in order to pave the way for Moshiach ben David. This concept is linked to the idea that his sacrifice or suffering will facilitate a greater spiritual or redemptive transformation. According to certain traditions, Moshiach ben Yosef must die or be mortally wounded in order to pave the way for Moshiach ben David. This concept is linked to the idea that his sacrifice or suffering will facilitate a greater spiritual or redemptive transformation.

Moshiach ben David is the messianic figure traditionally associated with King David, who is expected to reign as the final redeemer and bring about the ultimate redemption and fulfillment of all messianic prophecies. His reign is anticipated to bring peace, rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, gather all Jews back to Israel, and establish a time of universal knowledge and worship of God. In Kabbalistic thought, the soul of Moshiach ben David is considered to be of a divine nature, representing a higher spiritual level. It is believed that this soul will embody or integrate aspects of the divine presence (the essence of Hashem). This connection emphasizes the messianic role as not merely a human leader but as an embodiment of divine attributes, reflecting the profound spiritual significance of the messianic age.

So what Jewish people do not undertand due to the influence of Satan is that Yeshua Ben Yosef of Nazareth or Jesus the Christ was Moshiach Ben Yosef. And that the second coming of Christ is also the fulfillment of the jewish prophecy of Moshiach Ben David. Christ is returning to claim his rightful throne as King of Israel and defeat the Erev Rav, the enemies of the jewish nation, and the government of Babylon which seeks to rule the world under Satan.

So it shall be that:

"at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

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