Dear Congress

Dear Congress,

You are officially under investigation by God's Kingdom for crimes of high treason against the Republic of the United States. This notice serves as an official declaration of this investigation, which is conducted with the utmost seriousness and in adherence to divine justice.

The gravity of these allegations requires an immediate and thorough review of your actions and decisions that are believed to have compromised the integrity and security of our nation. As representatives entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the Constitution and safeguarding the welfare of the American people, it is essential that all aspects of your conduct are scrutinized to ensure accountability and transparency.

This investigation will be carried out with a commitment to truth and fairness, and it is imperative that you cooperate fully. The aim is to restore faith in our institutions and reaffirm the principles upon which our Republic was founded.

Further details of the investigation will be communicated in due course. In the meantime, it is expected that you will act with the highest level of integrity and respect for this process.


Matthew L. Weintrub Chief - God's Kingdom

Last updated