Pornographic Filters

Requirement for Visual Apps to Provide Pornographic Content Filters


To protect users, particularly minors, from exposure to pornographic material by requiring all visual social network applications to implement effective content filtering systems that can be activated by users.

Section 1: Definitions

  1. Visual Application: Any software application designed primarily to display visual content, including but not limited to social media platforms, streaming services, image-sharing apps, and video-sharing platforms.

  2. Pornographic Material: Content that is sexually explicit or intended to arouse sexual desire, including images, videos, text, and other forms of multimedia content.

  3. Content Filtering System: A software tool or feature that allows users to block or restrict access to specific types of content based on predefined criteria or user preferences.

Section 2: Requirements for Visual Applications

  1. Mandatory Content Filtering:

    • All visual applications must implement a content filtering system to allow users to block or restrict access to pornographic material.

    • The filtering system must be accessible and operable by users of all ages, including minors, and must provide options for varying levels of content restriction (e.g., strict, moderate, lenient).

  2. Customization Options:

    • Visual applications must offer users the ability to customize their content filters, including the option to define specific keywords, phrases, or visual characteristics associated with pornographic material.

    • Users must be able to activate, deactivate, and adjust the filter settings at any time.

  3. Transparency and Reporting:

    • Visual applications must provide clear information about the filtering capabilities of their system, including a detailed description of how the filtering process works.

    • Applications must include a mechanism for users to report instances where the filter fails to block inappropriate content and must address these reports in a timely manner.

  4. Parental Controls:

    • Applications targeting or accessible to minors must include robust parental control features, allowing parents or guardians to set and manage content filters for their children's accounts.

  5. Regular Updates:

    • Visual applications must regularly update their content filtering systems to adapt to new types of pornographic material and emerging content trends.

    • Applications must also ensure that their filtering systems comply with the latest privacy and data protection regulations.

Section 3: Enforcement and Compliance

  1. Regulatory Oversight:

    • The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or an appropriate regulatory body will oversee compliance with this legislation, conducting periodic reviews and audits of visual applications to ensure adherence to filtering requirements.

  2. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

    • Visual applications found to be in violation of this legislation will be subject to penalties, including fines, restrictions on operations, or other enforcement actions deemed necessary by the regulatory body.

  3. Implementation Timeline:

    • Visual applications must comply with the requirements of this legislation within 12 months of its enactment. This period allows for the development and integration of necessary content filtering systems.

Section 4: Miscellaneous

  1. Severability:

    • If any provision of this Act is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

  2. Effective Date:

    • This Act shall take effect immediately upon enactment.

Last updated