Military Tribunals for DARPA Employees Involved in mRNA Technology

In recent years, mRNA technology has emerged as a significant breakthrough in medical science, promising innovative solutions to various health challenges. However, concerns have arisen regarding the oversight and conduct of certain projects related to this technology, particularly those funded and managed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

DARPA, as a key entity within the Department of Defense, holds a critical responsibility to ensure that its research and development initiatives align with ethical standards and national security interests. Recent developments have raised serious questions about the involvement of some DARPA employees in mRNA projects that may have bypassed proper oversight, transparency, and ethical considerations.

Given the gravity of these concerns, including potential breaches of conduct, compromised oversight, and the impact on public health and safety, we believe that a thorough and impartial investigation is necessary.

We therefore call for the establishment of military tribunals to review the actions and decisions of DARPA employees involved in mRNA technology projects.


  1. Accountability: Military tribunals are uniquely equipped to handle matters of national security and ethical breaches within defense-related research. They offer a specialized forum to ensure accountability and justice.

  2. Transparency: A tribunal process will provide a transparent mechanism for examining the conduct of individuals involved, ensuring that any malfeasance is addressed openly.

  3. Integrity: Ensuring the integrity of DARPA’s mission and maintaining public trust necessitate a rigorous review process. Military tribunals will help uphold these values.


The military tribunals should focus on:

  • DARPA employees directly involved in the development, implementation, and oversight of mRNA technology projects.

  • Any related parties or contractors who may have contributed to ethical or procedural violations.


The tribunals should be conducted with adherence to principles of fairness, due process, and thorough investigation. All findings and proceedings should be documented and reported to ensure transparency and accountability.


We urge the Department of Defense and relevant authorities to initiate military tribunals to address these critical issues. By doing so, we can ensure that DARPA’s work continues to be conducted with the highest standards of ethical integrity and public trust.

Last updated