Earth Federation

Rationale for the Earth Federation: A New Global Body

The time has come to replace the United Nations with a global organization that provides equal representation and rights to Indigenous peoples and fully acknowledges the historical and ongoing damages caused by colonialism. The current structure of the United Nations, while instrumental in fostering international dialogue and cooperation, does not adequately address the disparities and injustices faced by Indigenous communities and other historically marginalized groups.

  • Inequitable Representation: The United Nations system is primarily dominated by nation-states, often leaving Indigenous voices unheard and underrepresented. The current framework does not provide a platform where Indigenous communities, who have been the stewards of their lands for millennia, can directly participate in decisions that impact their territories and cultures.

  • Colonial Legacy: Many existing global institutions were founded and continue to operate within frameworks established by colonial powers. These structures often perpetuate inequalities and do not fully recognize or address the historical injustices faced by Indigenous peoples and other colonized communities.

  • Urgency of Global Challenges: Issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and social inequality disproportionately affect Indigenous and marginalized communities. Their knowledge and leadership are crucial in creating effective solutions, yet they lack the power and platform to influence global policy adequately.

Executive Summary: Earth Federation

The Earth Federation is envisioned as a global decentralized organization, established as an alternative to the United Nations, stewarded by the Kingdom of Israel and the First Nations of Earth. Its mission is to foster global peace, justice, and sustainability by uniting sovereign entities under a shared commitment to protect all that is sacred—natural resources, cultural heritage, and the well-being of all life on Earth.


To form a unified global alliance that respects the sovereignty of its members while collectively safeguarding the planet, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting the holistic well-being of humanity and nature.


The Earth Federation will facilitate collaborative efforts among the Kingdom of Israel, First Nations, and other global communities to address critical issues such as environmental protection, cultural preservation, conflict resolution, and the promotion of universal human rights through a decentralized governance structure.

Core Principles

  1. Sovereignty & Respect: Upholding the right of each member to self-determination while respecting cultural and traditional practices.

  2. Protection of the Sacred: Committed to safeguarding natural ecosystems, cultural heritage, and spiritual values.

  3. Peaceful Coexistence: Advocating non-aggression and peaceful conflict resolution.

  4. Decentralized Governance: Utilizing blockchain and digital governance for transparent and inclusive decision-making.

  5. Restorative Justice & Healing: Promoting reconciliation and healing from historical injustices.

Organizational Structure

  • Council of Guardians: A high-level decision-making body with representatives from member communities.

  • Regional Assemblies: Local councils addressing region-specific issues and initiatives.

  • Secretariat for Global Stewardship: Administrative body coordinating global efforts and managing resources.

  • Global Commons Forum: Annual gathering to share insights, propose new initiatives, and celebrate cultural diversity.

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): Blockchain-based management system for funds, projects, and voting.

Key Initiatives

  1. Guardianship of Sacred Sites: Protecting and managing sacred natural and cultural sites in collaboration with local communities.

  2. Global Peace Network: Providing mediation and conflict resolution services globally.

  3. Earth Guardians Program: Empowering youth to take action on environmental stewardship.

  4. Restorative Justice & Reconciliation: Developing programs to address historical injustices and support healing processes.

  5. Cultural Exchange & Preservation: Supporting the documentation and revitalization of endangered languages and cultural expressions.

Funding & Resources

  • Global Sacred Fund: A decentralized fund supported by donations and grants, managed transparently through the DAO.

  • Partnerships: Collaboration with NGOs, academic institutions, and civil society groups that align with the Earth Federation's values.

Digital Infrastructure

  1. Earth Federation Network: A blockchain-based platform for collaboration, transparent decision-making, and resource management.

  2. Global Guardians Academy: An online platform for education on peacebuilding, environmental stewardship, and cultural preservation.

Implementation Plan

  1. Founding Convention: Establish the Earth Federation with a formal charter and foundational documents.

  2. Regional Assemblies Setup: Launch regional councils to address local issues and develop support networks.

  3. Digital Platform Development: Create the Earth Federation Network and Global Guardians Academy.

  4. Initial Projects & Programs: Implement pilot projects, such as the Guardianship of Sacred Sites and Earth Guardians Program.

  5. Expansion & Global Engagement: Invite additional communities to join and host the first Global Commons Forum.

The Earth Federation aspires to become a beacon of peace and protection, harmonizing human society with nature and spiritual values to create a just and sustainable world.

Last updated