Electro Magnetic Beings
The Human Body is an Electromagnetic Field
As a whole, the body is electrical, and the nervous system and our brains are largely electro-chemical machines. Water is an excellent electric conductor so it makes sense our human bodies are 70%+ water.
Every cell, tissue, and organ in the body communicates and functions through electrical signals, which in turn produce weak electromagnetic fields.
Science has known about electrical energy in the body, which has been known and measured for over 100 years with the invention of the electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) in 1895.
Electricity and magnetism are strongly connected, and electrons in motion create magnetism. Similarly, spinning magnets create and electric current.
The interaction of electricity and magnetism creates an electromagnetic field in, and around the body that is measurable.
The heart is a textbook example because of the electromagnetic field it generates. Here’s the crazy part: every organ, and every human cell, has its own electromagnetic field.
Human Bio-fields
The National Institute of Health explains the human biofield is an electromagnetic field generated by the body's physiological processes, such as the heart's electrical activity, brainwaves, and cellular functions.
While some see it as merely the resulting electromagnetic waves and radiation given off by humans as a byproduct of normal organ and bodily system functioning, some believe it the human electromagnetic field is one component of something larger, known as a human energy field (HEF).
A human energy field, or biofield, has historically been a bit ambiguous in terms of a Western scientific explanation. However, Chinese medicine is based around working with this energy which is called “Chi” or “universal energy.” When Chi enters the body, it becomes bio-electrical.
As explained by Universal Energy Arts, “Chi, (Qi or Ki) is the energy of life itself, a balance of Yin and Yang, positive and negative, electromagnetic energy which flows through everything in creation. So Chi can possibly be described as an electromagnetic phenomenon, as a form of light energy, as a form of bio-electromagnetic energy or electricity.”
Ancient eastern cultures refer to the same “universal life force” that is electromagnetic in nature and must be energetically balanced. In many yogic traditions, the energy is simply called Prana instead of Chi.
The Age of Energetic Medicine
As described by the research paper in National Institute of Health called “The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine,” the authors explain:
“Subtle energy both informs and transcends the faculties of the five senses. It is taken into the body via openings, called chakras, and translated into a form of energy that the body can use, literally use, at the cellular level [..] Subtle energy is the foundation of integral physiology, which is a medical paradigm that unites the enormous contributions of Western medicine with the profound insights of Eastern systems of health—a truly integral philosophy of healing. Supported by scientific research, integral physiology bridges belief systems and offers a neutral language that people of myriad backgrounds can use to communicate with one other about experiences that extend outside of known science”
In addition, there are scientific measurement techniques developing to measure energetic fields inside and around our bodies. Quantum physics tells us that all cells and bodily systems are constantly in motion and are continually striving for balance and homeostasis. Energy medicine (EM) is a branch of integrative medicine that seeks to understand and understand subtle energy through therapeutic techniques.
While historically Western medicine has focused primarily on the physical components of the body, energy medicine is interested on so many other non-physical components that interact with our bodies such as electromagnetic, sound, and light fields as well as cell voltage. Collectively, when measured, this creates a tremendous amount of information that creates a picture of our individual human energy field (HEF) that can help treat disease and illness as well as predict and prevent future diseases and illnesses.
An even better conductor of electricity than water? Blood! In fact, each heartbeat creates an electrical pulse throughout the entire circulatory system.
In the research paper in National Institute of Health titled “Energy Medicine: Current Status and Future Perspectives” by Christina L Ross, PHD, she explains,
“The future of EM depends on the ability of allopathic medicine to merge physics with biochemistry. Biophoton emissions as well as signal transduction and cell signaling communication systems are widely accepted in today’s medicine. This technology needs to be expanded to include the existence of the human biofield (or human energy field) to better understand that disturbances in the coherence of energy patterns are indications of disease and aging. Future perspectives include understanding cellular voltage potentials and how they relate to health and wellness, understanding the overlap between the endocrine and chakra systems, and understanding how EM therapeutically enhances psychoneuroimmunology (mind–body) medicine.”
There are a number of techniques and devices to measure subtle energy and human energy fields. One example is a laboratory and research center called PSY-TEK that offers non-invasive testing and screening with innovative and frontier devices such as:
GDV – Gas Discharge Visualization / Bio-Well
Es Tek Complex
Medical Thermal Imaging
Biophoton system
AMI – Apparatus for Meridian Identification
Biofeedback (EEG, EMG, HRV, SC, etc.)
Water testing devices
There is a growing body of scientific evidence as well as emerging scientific fields of study such as energy medicine and integral physiology to support the existence of universal energy that flows through chakras, also known as prana, chi, or subtle energy, and is electromagnetic in nature and can be measured through a number of innovative and growing techniques and devices.
More specifically, it appears the most scientific data behind Yoga and chakras (as well as Chi traditions other Eastern traditions) can best be looked at holistically with the “opening and balancing of chakras” as metaphorical to the overall health of the central nervous system (CNS) and endocrine system.
This follows logically as all seven chakras are located on the spine, and the spinal cord is the pathway for messages sent by the brain to the body and from the body to the brain.
Similarly, Prana, Chi, or universal energy that flows through the chakras are best represented as the bio-electrical neural energy and signaling networks that flows throughout our nervous system, especially along the spine.
While still emerging, the big picture of human electromagnetic fields, energy medicine, subtle energy, and innovative techniques and devices to measure these fields may one day revolutionize medicine through a better understanding and prevention of illnesses, diseases, and aging.
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