Military Tribunals for CIA Assets Involved in the CIA's Shadow Civil War

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plays a crucial role in safeguarding national security and upholding democratic values. However, recent reports and investigations have suggested the existence of a covert network within the CIA—referred to as the "cabal"—that is allegedly involved in activities contrary to the agency's mission and the public interest.

These allegations, if proven true, represent a serious breach of trust and could undermine the integrity of our national security apparatus. The actions of these alleged cabal members may include covert manipulation, unauthorized influence, and activities that potentially jeopardize national interests and democratic principles.

Given the severity of these claims, it is imperative to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation to address any potential misconduct. We therefore call for the establishment of military tribunals to investigate and adjudicate the involvement of CIA assets in these alleged cabal activities.


  1. National Security: Military tribunals offer a specialized approach to addressing issues of national security and internal threats, ensuring that these sensitive matters are handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

  2. Accountability: A tribunal process will provide a clear mechanism for holding accountable those involved, ensuring that any actions contrary to the agency’s mission are addressed appropriately.

  3. Transparency: Conducting military tribunals will promote transparency in the investigation process, allowing for public confidence in the resolution of these serious allegations.


The military tribunals should focus on:

  • CIA assets and personnel implicated in the alleged cabal activities.

  • Any associated individuals or entities that may have supported or facilitated these activities.


The tribunals should adhere to the highest standards of fairness, due process, and thorough examination. Proceedings should be conducted transparently, with findings made available to ensure accountability and rebuild public trust.


We urge the Department of Defense and relevant authorities to take decisive action by initiating military tribunals to address these critical issues. By doing so, we can reaffirm our commitment to the principles of justice, accountability, and the protection of national security.

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