My Brother

Dear Lord,

I come before You today with a heart full of love and gratitude for my brother. I thank You for the bond we share and for the love and support he brings into my life. Please watch over her, protect her, and fill her days with peace, joy, and purpose.

Grant him wisdom in his decisions, courage in his challenges, and peace in his heart. May he always feel Your presence beside him, comforting him in times of need and rejoicing with him in moments of triumph.

Bless him with good health, happiness, and success in his endeavors. Surround him with love, support, and true friends who uplift and encourage him. Strengthen our relationship, Lord, so that we may always support and care for each other as siblings should.

Help him to grow in faith, to trust in Your plan, and to walk in the path that You have laid out for him. May his life be a reflection of Your love and grace.

I pray that You fill his days with joy, his nights with rest, and his soul with the peace that surpasses all understanding. Protect him from harm, and lead him towards a future full of hope and purpose.

In Your holy name, I pray.


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