Sacred Play

Sacred Play

I’m busy.

I’m busy.

I’m busy.

I’m busy.

I’m just so busy.

We like to say that in life don’t we? I’m busy. Busy doing what?

Busy is a word that means having a great deal to do or keeping occupied. But words are more than words. Words are energy. Words are feelings. And feelings affect the whole universe and all the beings in it.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Words are created by spelling and speaking. Words are a form of magic 🪄

🙏 I pray we use the magic of our Word in a good way. In in the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh.

I’m playing

I’m playing

I’m playing

I’m playing

I’m playing with the universe

Why do we say we are busy when we could say we are playing? Some of play in odd ways, fur schur, and to each their own. Your entire life is a form of sacred play.

Sacred because all of life is sacred. My people say that Creator is in everything. Every blade of grass, rock, gust of air, piece of food and living flesh are all sacred because there is nothing but God (ein od Milvado).

Play because life is a gift. And what do we do with gifts? Play with them! Play because life is a game. And what do we with games? We play. Why bother playing games? Because we all like to have fun. Play because we are here living in the school of life.

I was speaking with Chief Aurelio and we had a good chat. At the end he said I’m going to give you some advice. I wondered what sage wisdom he would be share. He said: have fun 🎊

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