How to Treat Your Siblings

How to Treat Your Sisters and Brothers

  • Siblings care for one another

  • Siblings look out for one another

  • Siblings protect one another

  • Siblings believe one another

  • Siblings have integrity with one another

  • Siblings honor their word

  • Siblings trust one another

  • Siblings see the goodness and mistake fullness and love each other no matter what

Communities with a culture of goodness (tov) will do what is right because they love people and only want what is best for them.

Christ taught these messages repeatedly:

  • Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

  • My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you

  • Do to others as you would have them do to you

  • Do everything in love

  • A friend loves at all times

A goodness culture begins when we see people for who they are: a divine, multidimensional angel; an eternal, everlasting soul incarnated on the physical plane of reality to manifest their gifts for the betterment of all beings; by treating everyone with love, kindness, respect, trust, and good humor; by extending nourishment to everyone in our family; by developing good relations with all of life on earth and out into the universe.

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