Community Solar Project

Proposal for Subsidizing Grid Storage Infrastructure and Solar Panels on Commercial and Residential Buildings

A Type 1 civilization has available all the energy from its home planet, a Type II civilization uses all the energy of its sum and Type III of its galaxy. Right now, the Earth is currently Type 0 ~ Dr. Michio Kaku on the Kardashev Scale

Executive Summary

This proposal outlines a strategic plan to allocate $200 billion over five years to subsidize the installation of solar panels and the development of grid storage infrastructure across the United States. The funding will be distributed as follows:

  • 20% for grid storage technology

  • 5% for grid storage software management

  • 40% for commercial buildings

  • 35% for residential properties

The primary goal is to promote energy independence, provide grid relief, and enhance the resilience of the American economy by supporting the solar energy sector and ensuring that a significant portion of the funds are directed towards domestic companies.

Budget Allocation

1. Grid Storage Technology (20% - $40 billion)

  • Objective: Develop and enhance grid storage systems to efficiently store and manage solar energy.

  • Details: 75% of this allocation ($6 billion) will be directed to majority-owned domestic U.S. companies to foster local industry growth and technological innovation.

2. Grid Storage Software Management (5% - $10 billion)

  • Objective: Develop software solutions for optimal management of grid storage systems.

  • Details: Funds will support the creation and implementation of advanced software to enhance the integration and efficiency of grid storage technologies.

3. Solar Panels for Commercial Buildings (40% - $80 billion)

  • Objective: Promote the installation of solar panels on commercial buildings to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lower operational costs.

  • Details: Subsidies will cover the purchase and installation of solar panels, targeting commercial sectors with high energy consumption.

4. Solar Panels for Residential Properties (35% - $70 billion)

  • Objective: Encourage residential solar panel installations to decrease household energy bills and contribute to a cleaner environment.

  • Details: Homeowners will receive financial incentives to install solar panels, making renewable energy more accessible and affordable.

Impact on Energy Independence and Grid Relief

Current Energy Usage

  • The U.S. grid currently uses approximately 4,000 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity per year.

Solar Panel Requirements for Energy Neutrality

  • The average solar panel system generates about 1,500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year per installed kilowatt (kW) of capacity.

  • To offset the entire U.S. grid's energy usage, approximately 2,667 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity would be needed (4,000,000,000,000 kWh / 1,500 kWh per kW = 2,666,667,000 kW or 2,667 GW).

Return on Investment

To determine how many gigawatts of solar power can be purchased with $150 billion, we need to know the cost per gigawatt (GW) of installed solar power. As of recent years, the cost of solar power installation has been decreasing significantly. For simplicity, let's use an average cost of $1,000 per kilowatt (kW) of installed solar power.

Since 1 gigawatt (GW) is equal to 1,000,000 kilowatts (kW), we can calculate the cost per gigawatt:

1 GW=1,000,000 kW1 GW=1,000,000 kW Cost per GW=1,000,000 kW×$1,000/kW=$1,000,000,000 (1 billion dollars)Cost per GW=1,000,000 kW×$1,000/kW=$1,000,000,000 (1 billion dollars)

Next, we can calculate how many gigawatts can be purchased with $150 billion:

Gigawatts=$150,000,000,000$1,000,000,000/GW=150 GWGigawatts=$1,000,000,000/GW$150,000,000,000​=150 GW

Therefore, with $150 billion, approximately 150 gigawatts of solar power can be purchased. This represents a net offset of ~5.5% of the US grid capacity.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Empowering American Energy Independence

  • Allocating 75% of the $200 billion budget ($150 billion) to solar panel purchases will significantly boost solar energy capacity, reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels and enhancing national security.

Offering Grid Relief

  • By integrating advanced grid storage technologies and software management, the intermittent nature of solar energy can be effectively mitigated, ensuring a stable and reliable energy supply.

Enhancing Economic Resilience

  • Prioritizing domestic companies for grid storage technology investments will stimulate job creation, foster innovation, and strengthen the U.S. economy.


This $40 billion investment over five years represents a transformative opportunity to advance the United States toward energy independence, economic resilience, and environmental sustainability. By strategically allocating funds to both solar panel installations and grid storage development, we can create a robust and sustainable energy infrastructure that benefits commercial and residential sectors alike.

Next Steps

  1. Legislative Approval: Secure congressional approval for the proposed budget allocation.

  2. Implementation Plan: Develop detailed implementation plans for each budget category, including specific criteria for subsidies and grants.

  3. Partnerships: Establish partnerships with key stakeholders, including domestic manufacturers, software developers, and installation companies.

  4. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress, ensure accountability, and measure the impact of the subsidies on energy independence and grid stability.

By following these steps, we can ensure the successful deployment of this initiative and move closer to a sustainable and energy-independent future for America.

Last updated