The American Union

Herein Lies a Strategic Approach to Expanding the Influence of Democracy through creation of the American Union.

Executive Summary

In the face of global challenges and the limitations of past international policies, a new strategy is essential for sustaining American dominance. This strategy proposes expanding the United States of America into the American Union by incorporating adversarial countries as administrative states, thereby extending the reach of the U.S. Constitution and fostering a unified global culture rooted in American values.


Over the past 80 years, American efforts to install democracy abroad have often failed due to a lack of cultural understanding and the persistence of entrenched corruption. By integrating adversarial nations into the American Union, the United States can directly influence and shape the cultures of these regions, promoting stability and security. This approach addresses the root causes of international instability and undermines criminal and terrorist organizations that threaten global order.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Expand the American Union: Incorporate adversarial countries into the American Union as administrative states, creating a process akin to the European Union's membership system. This will extend the protection and benefits of the U.S. Constitution to new regions.

  2. Promote National Security: By annexing countries that pose a threat through proxy criminal or terrorist activities, the United States can enhance national security and safeguard American democracy.

  3. Cultural Integration: Work to understand and influence the cultures of newly incorporated states, fostering a shared identity and commitment to democratic values.

  4. Root Out Corruption: Target corrupt governments and criminal syndicates by declaring war on regimes that undermine American interests, subsequently establishing stable and democratic governance.

Implementation Example: Mexico

If it is determined that Mexico's government is using proxy narco-terrorist organizations to destabilize American democracy, the President and Congress could respond by:

  • Annexation: Incorporating Mexico into the American Union.

  • Military Action: Declaring war on Mexico's corrupt government to dismantle criminal networks.

  • Administrative Integration: Bringing Mexico into the American Union through a structured process, providing support to rebuild its political and social institutions under American guidance.

This approach draws on historical examples where perceived threats have led to military intervention and subsequent integration efforts. For instance, the United States' invasion of Iraq in 2003 was partly justified by the need to dismantle terrorist networks and promote democratic governance. Similarly, the annexation of Texas in 1845 followed conflicts with Mexico and was justified by the need to secure the region and extend American governance .


  • Enhanced Security: Directly addressing threats at their source will improve national and global security.

  • Economic Growth: Integrating new states can expand markets and create economic opportunities.

  • Cultural Exchange: Promoting cultural understanding and integration will strengthen the global influence of American values.

  • Global Stability: A unified American Union can lead to greater global stability and a more cohesive international order.


By expanding the American Union and incorporating adversarial countries as administrative states, the United States can establish a new paradigm for global dominance. This strategy not only addresses the limitations of past policies but also promotes a secure, stable, and prosperous world underpinned by American democratic values.


  1. Blum, W. (2003). Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower. Common Courage Press.

  2. Brands, H. W. (2010). The Texas Revolution and the Annexation of Texas. Random House.

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