Satanic Radical Islam

Satanic Islam is a version of Islam that was infiltrated by Satan and demonic entities. It is time now to begin breaking down how Satan infiltrated Islam and to bring to light the truths of the Hadiths. For I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and the Truth shall set you free.

The End times in Islam is demarked by an battle between the Ad-Dajjal (ٱلدَّجَّالُ), the Antichrist of Islamic prophecy and Christ. Christ is one of the key prophets of Islam. However; it is time the Muslim world learns the correct Hadith as taught by the Druze that the madhi is Christ.

Christ has returned to the world for the one true Kingdom of the Father Allah. The Kingdom of Israel belongs to Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and to Aim Yisrael. This is commanded by Allah. This covenant was created by Allah. Any student of Islam would know that the Kingdom of Israel shares ancestors Avraham, the Father of Ishmael, from which the Muslims descend.

In opposition to Christ, is the Ad-Dajjal (antichrist) who is Ayatollah Khamenei. It is said the Dajjal would deceive the Islamic world and it has. As we see Khamenei, who has already directed the genocide of millions of innocent souls, has continued the perversion satan embedded into Islam and turned Iran into the modern version of Nazi Germany. This is not a man of God. This man is a demon who will be cast into the fires of hell for eternity.

The True Teaching of Jihad

Most non-spiritual persons try to transform spiritual teachings into concept related to the physical world. We see that with the abuse of the concept of Jihad by the false preachers of the Quran. Jihad is not about a struggle to defend Islam. This is the weaponized material teaching which shows clear satanic influence. Satan wants us to only understand things from the material plane. When we ignore the non-material plane, from which all things come, we start to get lost. This is the power of Satan, the great deceiver.

Jihad is about an internal struggle with the ego. It is about the struggle to become one in union with Allah. Jihad is the path we walk when we want to be close to Allah. Why? Because we are capable of infinite good and infinite evil. Therefore, we can get lost chasing money, power, fame and all things hedonistic that Satan uses to deceive and distract us from what is most important: Serving God and God's Children.

Jihad is about humbling oneself and living with humility in both spirit and material life. Jihad is a struggle because the Ego craves begin important but when you are one with Allah then you know Allah loves you, you are worthy and there is nothing that you need more than family and friends and doing acts of charity.

All of this has been lost to the Satanists who have embedded their way into the Islamic world.

The Fruits of Satanic Islam

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

This teaching by Yeshua demonstrates that we can know the purity of one's spirit based on the fruits of their life. The life of the Ayatollah of Iran bears no fruit for his soul is the soul of the antichrist. So now I will begin building a dossier to detail the Satanic fruits of Satanic Islam.

  • Legalization of Rape

  • Legalization of Incest

  • Legalization of Pedophilia

  • Legalization of Violence against innocent women, children and men

  • Glorification of Violence

  • Glorification in Killing other who don't believe what you believe

These beliefs are fundamental to Satanic Islam. These beliefs all go against Allah. These beliefs are all Satanic. I pledge my life to destroy Satanic Islam.

Satanic Islam Must Be Destroyed for God's Kingdom to Exist

For God's Kingdom to exist Satan must be defeated. Therefore, Satanic Islam must be obliterated from the world. There is nothing that can be done now. Prophecy is unfolding as it must. And all those aligned with the Antichrist will perish for eternity.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven.

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