The First Step to Healing is Acceptance

Repeat after me.

The First Step on the Path of Healing is Acceptance.

I accept myself. I accept there are things I wish to improve about myself. I accept that I wish to enter into a fully conscious healing process. I accept myself.

Healing deals with wholeness. Often we forget the essence of our being which is our soul. We forget this innate part of us as we are reborn into the world. From wholeness we return to the Kingdom within us. Our birthright. From our wholeness, we remember our holiness. For our soul is holy because it is made of the Holy Spirit. When I accept that I am participating in my own healing process, I take responsibility for my connection to my soul. No one can heal you. You heal you.

We, as facilitators or curanderos, are here to create the space for you to do your work. No one else can do this work for you. It is your spiritual homework. It’s time to embrace the school of life.

Healing is a natural process. When we break a bone, often a doctor will give us a cast and with time the body will naturally heal itself. So it is the same with the healing process for the soul.

This is the work we all must do to usher Messiah (Mashiach) consciousness into the world.

The redemption (geula) is an inner process that requires inner standing of who and what we are and why we are here. The redemption speaks of moshiach consciousness creating world peace but it does not explain how that works. The outer world is mirror reflecting what is going on within the body of the soul. So we must first find inner peace to see outer peace reflected in the world around us. Once we find peace, we are free to connect with our true purpose.

Our true purpose is simple: we are here to serve God. We are here to discover our medicine. We are all healers. It is a natural part of us. We must learn to do our spiritual homework and remember this part of us. Everyone born on earth is beautiful, sacred and wonderful. Every soul deserves love and kindness and grace and compassion and hugs and chocolate. To tikkun olam or heal the world, we must discover our gifts and talents. We must embrace a world that fosters imagination and prayer. These are the tools of consciousness and magic. This is how the Geula will be born across the world. Your medicine can be anything. Ideally it’s comedy because we all need more laughter in this “so so so serious” 🧐 world.

We say “The First Step on the Path of Healing is Acceptance" because no matter the trauma - whether it's pain, loss, or difficult circumstances—acceptance allows you to confront and embrace your current state without denial or avoidance, which is necessary before any progress can be made. It involves recognizing that while you may not control what has happened, you can control how you respond. Acceptance fosters self-awareness, peace of mind, and opens the door to recovery, growth, and change. Without it, healing cannot fully begin.

Let us pray that the human family can begin to take the first step on the path of healing.

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