How the Rockefeller Family Weaponized Medicine

After buying a German pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war, John D. Rockefeller leveraged his political influence by pressing congress to declare natural healing modalities "unscientific quackery."

Rockefeller then took control of the American Medical Association and began offering massive grants to top medical schools, under the mandate that only his approved curriculum be taught. Any mention of the healing powers of herbs, plants, and diet, was erased from most medical textbooks. Doctors and professors who objected to Rockefeller's plan were crucified by the media, removed from the AMA, and stripped of their license to teach and practice medicine.

How they Did It

  • Flexner Report (1910): Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, this report led to the standardization of medical education in the United States. It recommended closing many medical schools that did not adhere to strict scientific protocols, particularly those teaching alternative or holistic medicine. This primarily affected schools that taught homeopathy, naturopathy, and other forms of natural medicine, which were not aligned with the emerging pharmaceutical-based approach. This move is seen as a way to marginalize non-pharmaceutical approaches and consolidate control over the medical industry.

  • Promotion of Allopathic Medicine: The Rockefeller Foundation heavily funded medical schools and research institutions that promoted allopathic medicine, which is focused on treating symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. This approach contrasted with homeopathic and natural medicine, which emphasized holistic and preventive care. The emphasis on allopathic medicine, supported by Rockefeller funding, led to the decline of alternative medical practices and the rise of a healthcare system dominated by pharmaceuticals.

  • Suppression of Natural Remedies: The Rockefeller-backed medical establishment viewed natural remedies and homeopathy as unscientific or ineffective. As a result, these practices were increasingly sidelined in favor of patented drugs that could be mass-produced and sold for profit. This shift contributed to the decline of herbal medicine, traditional remedies, and other non-pharmaceutical treatments that had been used for centuries.

  • Established Pharmaceutical Industry: The Rockefeller family invested heavily in the pharmaceutical industry, which was beginning to grow during the early 20th century. Their influence is often credited with pushing medicine towards a model centered around pharmaceuticals, which could be patented and sold for profit, rather than promoting natural or traditional remedies.

  • Philanthropy as a Tool of Control: The Rockefeller Foundation and other family-controlled entities have used philanthropy as a means to exert influence over global health policies, education, and environmental initiatives. Critics argue that this philanthropy often serves to further their economic interests, consolidating power and control over key sectors while masking their true motives under the guise of public service.

  • Manipulated Public Health and Research Funding: Through various foundations, the Rockefellers funded medical research and public health initiatives. While this led to many advances in medicine, critics argue that it also established a system where medical research and practice were heavily influenced by those with financial interests in pharmaceuticals.

  • Harry Anslinger and the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937: The Rockefeller Foundation was indirectly involved in the campaign to ban marijuana, which culminated in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. This act effectively criminalized cannabis in the United States. Harry Anslinger, the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics, led this campaign. Anslinger had ties to powerful industrialists like the Rockefellers and Andrew Mellon, whose interests aligned with the prohibition of marijuana. Cannabis was seen as a competitor to synthetic fibers and pharmaceuticals, industries in which the Rockefellers had significant investments.

  • Suppression of Hemp: Hemp, a form of cannabis, was also targeted by these campaigns. Hemp posed a threat to emerging synthetic fibers like nylon, which were backed by the Rockefellers and DuPont. The ban on marijuana included industrial hemp, further consolidating the market for synthetic alternatives.

Judgement is Passed

In spiritual warfare terms, the Rockefeller family is demonic. The Rockefeller family has wielded their immense wealth and influence to monopolize the medical industry, push a pharmaceutical-centric model that prioritizes profit over public health, and suppress natural and alternative medicines, such as through the criminalization of marijuana. Their actions have led to significant social and economic harm, including the unjust war on drugs and the marginalization of holistic health practices. Given their history of manipulating public policy and exerting undue influence over key sectors, there is a compelling case for holding the Rockefeller family accountable through asset forfeiture under new national security laws. This would serve as both a form of justice for the harms they've caused and a deterrent against future abuses of power.

  • Holding Power to Account: In light of the historical and contemporary actions of the Rockefeller family, there is a compelling case for holding them accountable through asset forfeiture. This would not only serve as a form of justice for the harms caused but also as a deterrent against future abuses of power by other wealthy and influential families.

  • New National Security Laws: The enactment of new national security laws targeting economic subversion, conflicts of interest, and the manipulation of public institutions could provide the legal framework necessary to pursue such forfeiture. These laws would need to be carefully crafted to target individuals and entities that pose a genuine threat to national and global welfare, ensuring that justice is served in the pursuit of the public good.

  • Precedent for Asset Forfeiture: There is a precedent for the forfeiture of assets linked to criminal or harmful activities under national security laws. The Rockefeller family's historical and ongoing actions could be framed as part of a broader pattern of economic manipulation, suppression of public health, and potential conflicts of interest that justify such measures.

  • Reparation and Redistribution: Forfeiting the Rockefeller family trusts could be seen as a necessary step to redress the harms caused by their monopolization of medicine, suppression of natural remedies, and undue influence over public policy. The assets could be redistributed to support public health initiatives, alternative medicine research, and social programs aimed at addressing the harms caused by the policies they supported.

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