Ban Hormone Therapy for Children

Executive Summary

Implementing a ban on hormone therapy for children under 18, coupled with enhanced mental health resources, is a crucial step towards safeguarding the well-being and development of minors. This policy seeks to address concerns surrounding the medicalization of gender identity exploration in youth and the potential risks associated with irreversible medical interventions. By prioritizing mental health support and affirming the rights of minors to make informed decisions about their bodies, governments can promote holistic care while upholding ethical standards and protecting vulnerable populations.


The increasing use of hormone therapy for minors to affirm gender identity has sparked debates surrounding its safety, efficacy, and ethical implications. Concerns have been raised about the long-term physical and psychological impacts of medical interventions on developing individuals. Moreover, questions persist about the ability of minors to fully comprehend the implications of hormone therapy and provide informed consent. In response to these concerns, there is a growing recognition of the need to adopt a cautious and comprehensive approach to supporting gender-diverse youth while prioritizing their mental health and well-being.

Medical Considerations

  1. Lack of Long-term Studies: Current research on the long-term effects of hormone therapy in children is limited. There is insufficient data to fully understand the potential risks and benefits, raising concerns about the safety and efficacy of these treatments.

  2. Potential Health Risks: Hormone therapy can pose significant health risks, including cardiovascular issues, bone density reduction, infertility, and potential impacts on brain development. The long-term consequences on physical and mental health are not yet fully understood.

  3. Developmental Concerns: Children's bodies and brains are still developing. Introducing hormone therapy during this critical period may interfere with natural developmental processes, leading to unforeseen complications.

Ethical Considerations

  1. Informed Consent Challenges: Children may lack the capacity to fully comprehend the long-term implications of hormone therapy. Ensuring truly informed consent is challenging, and the decision-making process can be influenced by external pressures from parents, peers, or healthcare providers.

  2. Irreversible Effects: Hormone therapy can lead to irreversible changes in a child's body. Given the potential for evolving gender identity during adolescence, irreversible interventions should be approached with caution.

  3. Psychological Impact: The psychological impact of hormone therapy, including potential regret and detransition, must be considered. Ensuring mental health support and alternative, non-invasive treatment options is crucial for the well-being of children experiencing gender dysphoria.

Social Considerations

  1. Protection of Minors: Society has a responsibility to protect minors from making irreversible medical decisions that they may later regret. Banning hormone therapy for children aligns with this protective stance, prioritizing their long-term health and well-being.

  2. Alternative Support: Focusing on providing psychological support and counseling for children with gender dysphoria can offer a less invasive and potentially more beneficial approach. Encouraging a supportive environment without immediate medical intervention allows for a more thoughtful exploration of gender identity.

  3. Regulatory Oversight: Implementing a ban on hormone therapy for children would necessitate robust regulatory oversight to ensure compliance and address any violations. This approach ensures that the healthcare system prioritizes the safety and well-being of minors.


  1. Legislative Action: Enact legislation to ban hormone therapy for children under the age of 18, with specific exceptions for medically necessary treatments unrelated to gender dysphoria. Criminalize the use of hormone therapy for children under the age of 18 by making the offense punishable with a minimum sentence of 25 years in prison, a ban from practicing medicine and the option for capital punishment.

  2. Comprehensive Support Programs: Develop and fund comprehensive mental health and counseling programs for children with gender dysphoria, ensuring access to supportive and affirming care.

  3. Research and Review: Commission long-term studies on the effects of hormone therapy initiated in adolescence to inform future policies and ensure that any interventions are based on robust scientific evidence.

  4. Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch public awareness campaigns to educate parents, healthcare providers, and the general public about the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with hormone therapy for children.

By adopting these measures, we can ensure that the best interests of children are prioritized, fostering a supportive environment that respects their developmental needs and future autonomy.


  1. Protect Minors: Implement a ban on hormone therapy for individuals under 18 years of age, except in cases of diagnosed intersex conditions or other medical necessities determined by qualified healthcare professionals. This policy aims to safeguard minors from potential risks associated with irreversible medical interventions and ensure that they have the opportunity to explore gender identity in a supportive and non-medicalized environment.

  2. Enhance Mental Health Resources: Expand access to comprehensive mental health services for gender-diverse youth, including counseling, therapy, and peer support groups. Provide specialized training for healthcare providers, educators, and community leaders to better understand and address the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth, promoting inclusive and affirming environments that foster resilience and well-being.

  3. Promote Informed Decision-Making: Empower minors and their families with accurate, age-appropriate information about gender identity, sexual orientation, and available support services. Foster open and honest communication channels between healthcare providers, parents, and youth, encouraging collaborative decision-making processes that respect the autonomy and agency of minors while prioritizing their safety and holistic development.


Banning hormone therapy for children under 18, while simultaneously enhancing mental health resources, represents a proactive and compassionate approach to supporting gender-diverse youth and promoting their holistic well-being. By prioritizing mental health support over medical interventions, governments can affirm the rights and autonomy of minors while safeguarding them from potential harms. It is imperative that policymakers, healthcare professionals, educators, and community stakeholders collaborate to implement and evaluate this policy in a manner that upholds ethical standards, respects individual identities, and fosters inclusive and affirming environments for all youth.

Last updated