Christ Consciousness


Christhood is not about belief or faith, not even about knowledge and understanding. The essence of Christhood is a direct, inner experience of the reality that all life is one and thus we are not separated from God or from each other.

Obviously, this is in direct opposition to the awareness with which we grew up with in western culture. We have been conditioned to see ourselves as separated from God and each other. This illusion of separation is the main illusion produced by the consciousness of the anti-christ.

The consciousness of the anti-christ uses a special form of logic, called dualistic logic or serpentine logic, to create, justify and uphold the illusion that we are separate beings. It has even created an entirely false path to salvation, designed to make us believe that by following a religion here on earth we can qualify for entry into heaven without overcoming the illusion that we are separate beings.

Christhood makes it clear that the ONLY way to enter heaven is to transcend separation and come into oneness with the indivisible mind of Christ. The main function of the consciousness of Christ is to uphold oneness between the Creator and its creation, meaning us. The true meaning of Jesus’ message of salvation is that it means coming into oneness: “I and my Father are one.”

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