Designating Big Pharma a Terrorist Organization

By the divine authority vested in me as Chief of God's Kingdom, on behalf of God the Most High, Almighty Lord, Creator of All that is and Will Be, and in accordance with the principles of justice and righteousness that guide our realm,

I hereby decree the following:

Section 1. Purpose and Findings

(a) The Kingdom of God is dedicated to upholding peace, security, and the moral integrity of our global community. As stewards of divine justice, it is our duty to identify and address any entities that seek to undermine these principles through harmful or coercive actions.

(b) The Pharmaceutical Cartel has been subject to scrutiny due to its role in the distribution and promotion of vaccines and its influence over global health policies. After thorough investigation and reflection upon divine principles, it has been deemed that The Pharmaceutical Cartel poses a threat to the welfare of humanity and should be addressed accordingly.

(c) The evidence indicates that The Pharmaceutical Cartel actions and policies align with characteristics of a bio-terrorist organization as understood within our divine framework of justice and peace.

Section 2. Designation

Effective immediately, the The Pharmaceutical Cartel is hereby designated as a bio-terrorist organization under the authority of God’s Kingdom.

With Peace, Love and Blessings,

Matthew L. Weintrub Chief of God's Kingdom

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